Chapter Eleven

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Kaden's POV

"Right now is not a good time Morgan." I said as soon as I picked up her call.

"I haven't heard from you in weeks and this is how you greet me?" I put the phone  on a table as I continued to paint what I had left of the attic.

"I'm at work."

"Since when do you care about that when we facetime?"

"It's just... this boss is different." I didn't know exactly how to tell Morgan who I was working for, at least not right now.

"Why? Are they a dick? A bitch?"

"Just different, so I can't really talk-"

"Kaden? Kaden?" Jessie came up from the stairs.

Oh fuck me.

This is something I really wanted to avoid, now Morgan is going to question me and why haven't I told her I'm working. Not that I had to, sure I guess it would be good gossip but other than that there was no reason.

"What the fuck-" I cut off Morgan.

"I'll call you back, bye." I quickly hung up and grabbed my phone.

"Did I interrupt you?" She stood by the stairs, not approaching me.

Things have been... weird between us since that awkward moment in the kitchen days ago. Jessie didn't come to annoy me while I worked, she didn't spend much time at the house this is the first time in days she's here. I supposed it was because of her own work... but the timing was just so fucking convenient.

Not that I cared, I finally got a breather from her.

"No- it was nothing. Do you need anything?"

"I just told the rest that I'm going to the gallery so I'm not sure if I'll be back today again... thought I should let you know too." I took a moment to take in her attire, she was wearing a skirt and a not buttoned enough blouse.

I averted my gaze, "Okay."

She didn't say anything for a moment, just stood there in silence waiting to see if I would add something else. But I didn't. "I guess I'll see you around."

Of course you will.

"Sure mrs. O'Conner." I said and went back to work while she exited the attic.

Meanwhile Morgan was exploding my phone with hundred calls. I swear no one is more dedicated to vex people more than her.

I answered just so she could stop harassing my phone. "You just can't get the hint even after I say 'I'll call you back' can you?"

"Was that Jessica Miller I saw enter the room?" Morgan went straight to the point.


"Oh my god? Why didn't you tell me?!"

"Why should I? You are not my girlfriend." Defensive much Kaden.

"Why does that matter? I'm your best friend, so why wouldn't you tell me, why was she there? Oh are you working for her?" I should've never picked the damn phone up.

"Yes I'm working for her, is not a big deal. I didn't even know it was her house because it was her husband who hired us." I sat down on the floor, I heard noises coming from the rest of the team downstairs. I should probably check on them when I'm done talking to Morgan.

Theres was a moment of silence, Morgan was just looking at me with her mouth wide open. "Jessie is married?!"

"Yes, that's what I said."

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