Chapter Thirty Eight

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Kaden's POV

Elizabeth, Grace and Jen arrived at the mist of the awkward moment I had created. Hayley and Morgan were yet to return, which made me go out of the apartment to go find them.

I didn't think Hayley would take it so bad. I guessed she wouldn't be thrilled that Jessie was back in some capacity within her circle... just not this much.

Jessie is really is hard to get over isn't she?

Finding them in sat together on the terrace of the building I knocked on the door of it's entrance—both of them turned to me. There weren't tears in Hayley's eyes but she was clearly affected.

"Can we talk?" I said. Morgan pointed at Hayley and I nodded in response.

"I'll leave you two." Morgan looked between us and patted my shoulder before leaving us in the terrace.

I sat besides Hayley and stared at the Christmas lights that adorned the windows of the other buildings in the snow covered street.

Christmas in Vancouver was beautiful.

None of us said a word for a long while. This is the first time probably ever that we are alone.

"You must thing I'm pathetic for getting affected by someone I haven't seen in years." Hayley spoke up—her gaze set on the Christmas lights.

"I think many things of you Hayley, but pathetic is not one of them."

She sighed, "Jessie... she was my first friend, my only friend—we grew up together, she protected me and loved me when no one ever did back them. She knew me like no one had before Morgan. Loving her was hard... but it was so easy to love her, she never gave me a reason not to, even though I knew she didn't feel the same way. Falling out with her is something that will hurt me forever."

If there is someone in this world that understands what it is like truly loving Jessica Miller that's Hayley Duvall.

"Why didn't you forgive her?"

"Because I can't, I've tried." Hayley's green eyes finally met my blue ones. "Some things are just better off."

I nodded, "I'm not going to advocate for her, you had your reasons not want to see her again. I do think you should know that she regrets your fallout just as much as it hurts you. To this day."

"I don't blame you for falling in love with her... despite her faults Jessica is just—"

"The kind of girl you can't help but to adore." I said.

Hayley looked at me, "I thought that once upon a time—I understand you though, despite that I do not share the sentiment any longer. I haven't for years."

"How did you get over her?"

She shook her head and send me a look of pity. "You are in for long time Stones."

"I figured as much." I turned my gaze back to the lit up city view below us. "She's pregnant, you know? That's one of the reasons I didn't fight for her."

"You got angry she kept sleeping with her husband?"

"Partly, we had an arrangement that we both broke... but I just couldn't bare the thought of being the cause of that baby to be born without both their parents together. I've been through it and it sucks." I could've fought for her, but if Jessie did leave her husband, at what cost would it had come?

I can't have that in my conscience.

Maybe the marriage was already broken when I came into the picture but this was different.

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