Chapter Thirty

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Kaden's POV

"You think my mom dislikes Jessie?" I asked to Divya as she drove us home.

I finally got discharged from the hospital this morning and like Divya promised she was the one to come and pick me up. Jessie would meet us later and Elizabeth will see us to go out for lunch.

"I'm not sure, I mean I noticed she wasn't exactly a fan of her's, but it doesn't make any sense why she would dislike her." She responded with her sight set on the road as her hand turned down the volume of the song she put from her playlist.

I hummed in thought, "Do you think she knows?"

"What? That you two are sneaking around?" I nodded in response. "No, I mean how could she? Moms know best and all, but I doubt it. Maybe it was just the stress that got to your mom."

"Probably." I muttered.

I'll have talk to her about it... without being obvious.

"Anyway have you talked to Elizabeth about where are we going for lunch?" Divya questioned.

"She said that she will handle it and send us the address later." I shrugged with my good arm.

"A woman that takes care of things, my kinda woman." Divya said making me look at her.

"Bitch you don't even like women."

"Okay and?"

I shook my head, "You are insane."

"God forbid a woman chases the bag these days." Divya muttered with a smirk on her face.


"I'm kidding!" She exclaimed with a hearty laugh.

"You wouldn't dare joke like this in front of her." I scoffed looking at her.

She gave me a quick glance, "Wanna bet?"

I narrowed my eyes at her, "Twenty bucks you don't say that shit in front of her."

"You might as well give me the twenty dollars now, you know I'm not shy." She's right about that, I would be giving her the money over nothing.

"Okay you have to flirt with her too."

Divya frowned, "I'm not flirting with her, I'm straight that would be mean."

"You just won't do it for twenty bucks."




"Forty dollars bends your morals?" I asked her.

"Forty dollars might bend me." She wiggled her eyebrows and I couldn't help but burst out in laughter.

"If you pussy out I get forty dollars and I know that you will." I taunted her once my laugh ceased.

Divya can be as blunt as she want, but I don't think she will actually flirt with her, she can be more talk than do. Especially when it comes to flirting, she gets cold feet.

"I'm not losing to you." Divya finally parked in our building's parking lot. "I feel like a hooker for flirting for a forty dollar bet."

"If the shoe fits." I said to her in hopes to annoy her.

"Do you want to add falling off the stairs to your accidents?" She responded when she rounded the car and got my things out from the backseats.

"I can't believe you just threaten the life of a person missing an arm."

"You are not missing an arm." Divya proceeded to hit my cast making me groan in pain. "See? It's there."

"Divya." I gritted out.

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