Chapter Thirty One

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Kaden's POV

I should've know that letting Elizabeth arrange the lunch would end up on her settling for the most expensive and fanciest restaurant in the city.

"This is fancy." Divya said as we entered the place.

"I've been here before, she has good taste I'll give her that." Jessie spoke from my side. She had met us at my apartment and we settled on driving together.

We stopped in front of the girl working at the entrance—asking us if we had a reservation.

"We do, it's under Sinclair?" I responded.

The girl nodded as she looked at her pad, "Yes, Sinclair table for four. Miss Sinclair is already waiting on her table—follow me please."

"What kind of food do they even serve here?" I muttered looking around the fancy establishment.

"I don't know man." Divya didn't look as she spoke as her sight was set forward.

"A lot of things, it's not an italian or french restaurant is very varied." Jessie was the one to respond.

I nodded, "Try not to get into an argument with her please."

She rolled her eyes, "I'll be on my best behavior."

"Thank you." I smiled at her and hooked the pinky that was not covered by my cast with her's. Jessie looked down to our hands and I swear I saw a faint blush on her cheeks.

Soon enough we arrived to the table where Elizabeth was waiting for us. She stood up and greeted us.

"Sorry have you been waiting long?" I asked as I pulled a chair out for Jessie with my good arm. She mumbled a quiet 'thank you' as she took the seat.

"Not really, just five minutes maximum." Elizabeth replied.

"Hi." Divya said to her awkwardly and I tried not to laugh.

She's actually going to go forward with the bet.

Elizabeth eyed her, "Hello Divya. Jessie."

Jessie acknowledged her with a 'hey' and a small smile. Our pinkies still intertwined together under the table.

"This place is nice, fancy." I commented.

The British woman hummed, "It is and don't worry lunch is on me."

"I can pay for myself." Jessie scoffed.

"What she means is you don't have to, but thank you." I gave a look at Jessie.

"I do, I invited you so I pay." Elizabeth looked at Jessie—challenging her with her eyes.

"We'll see about that." Jessie muttered and grabbed the menu with one hand.

"You sure know how to treat a lady." Divya commented with her face on top of her hand. I pursed my lips to suppress a smile while I felt Jessie's questioning gaze on me.

"Do tell that to my ex." Elizabeth looked up from her menu.

"Sure, what's the number?" Divya responded make my eyebrows go up.

The British woman chuckled, "She's crazy, I have to warn you."

"I'm not scared of other women." My roommate grinned.

"Bet you aren't." I commented earning a kick to my leg under the table from Divya. I hissed as the other two women on the looked at me quizzically.

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