Chapter Twenty One

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Kaden's POV

For the second consecutive day I found my peaceful sleep be disturbed by the sound of a phone. I groaned with my still closed and reached around for the sound till I came across it and grabbed it. Not bothering to opening my heavy eyes I picked up the call.

"Now what?" I said in annoyance to be woken up.

"Excuse me? Who is this?" Some woman responded with attitude on her voice.

"You are calling me and I have to tell you who I am? Who are you?"

"Alice. Where is Elizabeth?" She said annoyed.

That made me finally open my eyes just to realize it was not my phone that I had picked up. "Oh shit... she's asleep."


"Yes, want me to wake her up?" I asked looking at Elizabeth naked back moving up and down from her breathing. "Hello?"

They hung up... that didn't seem good.

I sighed and put the phone on the mattress, I moved and began rub on Elizabeth's back to slowly wake her up. "Elizabeth," I repeated her name a few times until I finally got a response.

She hummed against the pillow and moved her head so she was facing me. "If you are trying to wake me up I don't think tracing my back like that will help."

"I didn't want to, you seemed to be in peace... but I accidentally picked up by mistake and some woman named Alice got pissed off and hung up."

At that the sleep wore off completely off her face, "Bloody hell." She cursed and sat up on the bed against the head rest.

"I take it that's..."

"My ex." Elizabeth revealed and sighed.

"Your ex still calls you?"

"It's complicated, she is my secretary as well and she's not completely over us yet... like I said... complicated."

"Do you have like a kink thing for dating your employees?" I joked to light up the mood—earning a light push on the side as well as a laugh. "Do you mind me asking why you two broke up?"

"It's okay, we dated for nine months... but we had slept together before it and she liked me for a while as well. We got along I was happy— really happy, but I never was able to get myself to tell her that I loved her. She got tired eventually and ended things—which I don't blame her for, we broke up two months ago and we still see each other every day at work so it's..."

"Complicated." I finished for her.

"I like you Kaden, I really do, but I need to tell you now that I'm not currently ready for another relationship." Elizabeth grabbed my hand as she explained her situation.

"I wasn't expecting a relationship after two days of knowing you and one night of sex Elizabeth. I like you too, a lot. But my life is kind of complicated right now as well... can I tell you something I haven't told anyone else yet?" The look on her face made me quickly speak up again before she got the wrong idea. "I'm not married or have a girlfriend or boyfriend is not that."

Elizabeth let out a breath and chuckled. "What is it then? Must be something if you haven't told anyone— wait... is it the married person you slept with?"

"Kind of, yes. I should tell you the whole thing so you understand better. I started this house project for this couple some months ago and it turned out the woman was an ex-classmate of all of us. It doesn't sound so complicated but she was also Morgan's crush during all of high school and one of the main reasons we broke up —she kissed her in a party while we were dating and all that— oh and she was also Hayley's best friend who she was also crushing on and I suppose got rejected. So you can see why I haven't told anyone now. They would certainly give me shit and freak... besides she's married I'm not supposed to tell anyone we have been sleeping around for two months."

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