Chapter Three

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Kaden's POV


"Jessie." I stared back at her in shock.

Jessie's married? And she's living in Canada as well? Fuck and I'm going to work at her house.

Someone kill me right now.

"You two know each other?" Patrick, her... husband, asked looking between us with confusion.

Jessie spoke before I could, "We went to high school together."

"High school, middle school... and preschool. It was a pretty small town." I added, even though the point was made.

"Right." Jessie muttered as she gave a fake smile.

"Wait Jessie Miller? Is been years since I've seen you, how are your parents?" My dad intervened into the conversation.

Me on the other hand tried to put my gaze anywhere except on her. There wasn't much to look at except blank walls and counters so... it didn't help on making it not obvious that I was avoiding her and this whole thing.

Maybe I can quit.

"They are good Mr. Stone, still living in Jerome." I heard Jessie respond as I pretended to examine the windows.

"That's good to know. Congratulations on the marriage, you two make a lovely couple." My dad said.

Well I mean, he is okay looking,

I turned slightly to see as Patrick put his arm around Jessie's waist and kissed her head. "Thank you Derrick, knowing each other makes me believe will make this even easier for us." The man's forced charisma was kind of sickening to hear, but I wasn't here to listen to him, rather to work on the house.

"Of course, I brought the contract paperwork for you to read and sign." My dad showed him a carpet before putting them on the island counter, his other hand holding a pen.

"Perfect." Patrick turned to his wife, "Why don't you show Kaden around the house? If she's going to work on it she should see it beforehand."

I could tell by the look on Jessie's face that that was the last thing she wanted to do. And I can't blame her, being alone with her is going to be so fucking uncomfortable. We don't have to talk but the palpable awkward tension is going to be to be present within the silence.

"Yeah... yeah, of course I will." Jessie glanced at me briefly before walking towards the kitchen's door. "This way," she motioned for me to follow her.

The house had three floors and it seemed to be as big in the inside as it looked from the outside. Just like the first floor this one seemed to be as empty, it had three doors to what to my belief were the bathroom and two bedrooms.

A pretty big house for a young couple, maybe they were thinking of forming a family soon? Definitely that. Which means Jessie is going to be a mom... it feels weird since I don't know any friends my age that have kids, less of married yet.

Probably because my friends circle is not the biggest.

"This is one guest room," she opened the door to the empty room, but none of us went in. I nodded and she showed me the guest bathroom—the last place in the floor to show me was the main bedroom. "And this will be my and my husband's room." Jessie announced as we walked in.

The bedroom was quite spacious, it had also it's own private bathroom attached to it, what looked like a walk in close and a small terrace. This is rich people stuff.

"It's weird to hear you say that." I started somewhat a conversation.


"Your husband."

Jessie stopped walking around the room and looked at me—her brows furrowed. "Don't you like... hate me?"

I was kind of taken aback by it — not because I thought she didn't know, but because I didn't think she would actually say out loud. Then again I don't know Jessie Miller— O'Conner at all. "Why would you ask that?"

"Are you really going to make me say it?" Jessie's face contorted into a grimace.

I bit back a smile, "Because you kissed my girlfriend back when we were in high school? I don't like you, but I don't hate you either, it's been almost ten years."

"Good to know that you don't hate me then... or that you don't like me. I'll keep that in mind." Her face relaxed.

"How long have you been living in Canada?" We were alone so I might as well satisfy my curiosity.

"Just moved here actually, I was living in New Jersey. Why do you care?" Jessie's arm crossed, her brown do eyes staring back at me. But she wasn't being bitchy... well not much. She hasn't changed that much since high school, at least not much physically speaking—her same long black curls rested on her chest, long lashes, and plumps lips— and she still had that same scar near the edge of her brow. I've never known how she got it, but I've noticed before.

Jessie has always been beautiful, not even in my dislike for her I could deny it.

"I don't, I'm just curious." I shrugged.

"Oh sure." She spoke with a tone that was obvious that she did not believe me. Which was stupid because I don't fucking care about her at all.

"You still are as lovely as when we were in high school, or is that facade expired?"

Jessie's smile dropped and a glare took over. "Listen Kaden, we are going to have to get along because god knows this house is going to take a lot time."

"And like your husband told you to do, you will be the one directing the work here?" I tried to hold back a smirk but I was failing miserably. I didn't know annoying Jessie could be so entertaining... maybe cause I've never had an actual conversation with her.

Maybe cause she has always been either Morgan's crush or the girl that kissed my girlfriend to me. Yes, is definitely that.

"You know I've never had anything against you before, but I'm starting to dislike you as well." Jessie said walking closer to me.

At least the awkwardness is gone.

"Good, I wasn't trying to make you feel anything but that." I looked her over before turning around and exiting the room. "You still have to show me the third floor Mrs. O'Connor, shall we?"

Rolling her eyes Jessie walked pass me, her shoulder crashing with mine on purpose. I chuckled as I watched her figure go up the stairs.

I really should just quit. Tell my dad to find me another house, or find another job on my own, or whatever else. I don't know. But working for Jessica Miller sounds like my teenage nightmares have come true — like how could I've ever imagined that I would end up building Jessie's family house in Vancouver out of all places.

Why does the world have to be so small.

A/N - Short but let me know what you think!

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