Chapter Thirty Four

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Kaden's POV

"You needed to go out sweetie." My mom said as we walked out of the mall and into the parking lot.

"I have."

"Staying at your dad's office helping with work is not going out." She put her shades on top of her head to give me a reprimanding look.

"It's been enough for me." I muttered keeping my head down as we walked.

"You have been acting weird, is there something wrong? Is it because of the arm cast? You know it's going to take time for it to be removed honey."

"It's not that, there's nothing wrong with me. I'm fine." I said as we got inside the car.

"You don't seem to be, you haven't been for—" my mom didn't get to finish her sentence as we got interrupted by my phone.

I took it out to check who it was, "Sorry mom, is dad." She nodded motioning me to pick up as she started the car.

"Hi Kade, how are you sweetheart?" My dad said once I picked up.

"I've been better, mom kidnapped today." I grinned as I watched my mom narrow her eyes at me from the corner of my eye.

"Yeah she had been planning that all week." He chuckled.

"Thanks for the heads up." I rolled my eyes. "Anyway hows work?"

"That's what I've wanted to talk to you about. The O'Connor's house is finished." My dad revealed, I bit my cheek at the mention of the name.

"That's good I guess, what does that have to do with me though? I haven't worked on that house in over a month." I felt the bitterness return to me.

"Mr and Mrs O'Connor are throwing a small gathering on their house today and have invited the whole crew, including you."

"Thanks for the invite, not interested though." I rejected the invitation as smoothly as I could. Although I feel my mom will ask me why I did regardless.

"Kaden you have to come, at least be here twenty minutes or something. You were in charge of the whole project until you got injured and you are my daughter. We have to give our best impression to our clients." I understood where he was coming from, this was something important for him and the company.

Patrick O'Connor is a rich man with contacts and friends, if any of those needed our services my dad wanted to make sure he referred us and they hired us.

I sighed, "Fine, I'll be there. At what time is it?"

"Four, you have two hours to get ready. Thank you kiddo."

"Don't worry dad, I'll meet you there." We said our goodbyes and hung up.

When I felt my mom glancing at me every now and then, it makes me uneasy because I knew she wanted to say something, but wasn't sure if she should.

"What is it mom?"

"Nothing... I just thought you would be more excited to go to the gathering thing. Your friend Jessie will be there after all."

That's the whole fucking problem, she will be there.

"She's not my friend." I shrugged.

She's not my anything, she hasn't been for over a month after she ghosted me.

My mom hummed as she drove, "Kaden she's a married woman."

"I'm aware of that, what are you trying to say?" I didn't bother looking away from the window.

"You and I both know what I'm getting at."

"Nothing happened between her and I." I denied.

"That's not how it seemed in the hospital."

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