Chapter Twenty Four

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Kaden's POV

One week.

That's how long Jessie has been avoiding me.

"I thought it was supposed to be 'the truth shall set you free'.

"And it did, nowhere in there says you won't get dumped for telling the truth though." Elizabeth chuckled over the phone.

"I didn't get dumped, we weren't dating because she's married." I shut off my car in front of the familiar house I've been working on for months now.

"Then why does it bother you?"

"It doesn't." I denied.

"You are a very bad liar Kaden," she said mockingly.

I rolled my eyes entering the house, I saw Tom already here finalizing some work on the stairs. I waved at him as I continued my phone call. "Whatever, enough about me. What happened with your ex? She didn't sound happy that morning when I picked up your phone."

"Aye, she wasn't..."

I stopped putting my stuff down, knowing what that tone meant, "You slept with her."

She sighed, "It wasn't planned, we were having a heated discussion."

"And then it got actually heated." I chuckled. I liked Elizabeth a good amount, since we've been talking we have been nothing but honest to one another and it was nice—we both knew were we stood and that life was currently complicated in that regard. Making each other company was enough for now. "I wish I got fucked out of my frustration."

"I don't know her, but I can see why she didn't. The question is do you?"

I hummed, "Are you back with your ex then?" I asked ignoring her question.

"No, we haven't really talked about anything other than work since then. It's been weird." She muttered.

"Now I can tell why, she's obviously still in love with you and you still have feelings for her. It is painfully obvious." I took out a palette of colors to decide which one of the choices of Jessie would go best with the basement.

"And you would know that how?"

"Intuition, also you know I'm telling the truth." I settled on the cloud grey and went to get the buckets upstairs.

"I have feelings for her... but I don't know about love." Elizabeth sounded more stressed that she let on.

"Morgan told me you were in love with her, so how come you knew then but don't know now?" I wasn't trying to be mean—I was just telling her what I'm certain no one has but needed to listen.

"You know you are a very therapeutic one night stand."

"Oh I've been relegated to one night stand now? You hurt me ms. Sinclair." I took the two buckets of paint down stairs — it was a good thing I was using my AirPods instead of my phone for the call.

"I'm sure I do." There was a pause before she spoke again. "I have a meeting so I have to go."

"There goes my company." I sighed dramatically.

"A shame I know, don't disappear on me."

"Oh I know the consequences of doing that, you'll just show up on my door." I opened the bucket and grabbed the paint roller.

"Morgan doesn't keep anything to herself, does she?" Elizabeth questioned making me laugh.

"No she doesn't." I confirmed.

"I can see... bye Kaden."

"Bye beautiful, talk to you some other time." She hung up and I put my playlist to fill the silence on the basement while I painted it.

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