Chapter Fourty Two

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Kaden's POV

"You trust me right?"

Jessie looked up at me both fear and nervousness in her brown eyes. "I do. I trust you Kaden."

"It will be okay, I'm with you." I glanced to Layla who was holding her mom's hand. "I'm with both of you."

"I know. It's just that... it will be weird and I don't want me being there to cause problems or for Layla to witness a bad moment."

"I would never force you to do something you don't want to. We can still go, doesn't matter if we are at the door we can go if you say so Jess." I reassured her. My priority is her and Layla's comfort above all, if I need to call off our trip here then I will.

"No— no I said yes, we came all the way here we are doing this. It's just last minute nerves. I will be okay."

"Don't worry—as I told you I'll be by your side all the time and Morgan and Jason don't mind that I brought you along. They are actually happy I did, I told you it was Jason that pushed me to call you all those months ago." I tried to reassure her more.

Morgan and Jason had succeeded on planing the every summer vacations together. The two of them buying a lake house that we will all be able to use when we want—but that was mainly for our yearly family vacation. I couldn't afford to pay for it with them, but they insisted that they didn't care and that the house would be as much mine as it is theirs regardless.

On the other hand Jessie and I have been officially together for three months. We took a lot of time to make things oficial and although it might seem like way too many months it was the best way for us. We got to know each other, really know each other—so far I've met her parents during Christmas despite us not being officially a couple by then, to they we were —they remembered me from high school but this was different kind of first meeting— and she has also properly been introduced to my parents as my girlfriend. They even met Layla and my dad was just enchanted with her as was my mom.

We don't live together yet either, it's too early for it in our relationship—we are still taking things slow, not as slow as before but the last thing we wanted was to rush on things. Jessie had Layla to take into consideration, we had already bonded and I honestly don't want us to end and having to also forget about her as well as Jessie. It would just hurt too much.

"You know that it's not them that worry me, Kaden."

I sighed, "Morgan said she would talk to Hayley, if things had gone wrong during their conversation she would have told me and we wouldn't be here."

"Okay." Jessie whispered with a nod.

"Mommy I'm hungry." Layla complained.

"We'll eat in a moment sweetie."

I crouched and grabbed her—carrying her on my arms. "Want to do the honors and ring the doorbell?"

Layla nodded eagerly and did as told—soon enough we heard steps approaching from the inside of the house and yelling.

I stepped back as the door swung open and Morgan stood there—looking at us two first and then her gaze moving to Layla on my arms as a smile spread on my best friend's face.

"Hey guys! Come on in." Morgan moved from the doorway. "Jessie nice to see you again. Kaden you are late and who is this little princess you got here?"

"Morgan slow down." I said.

"It's good to see you again too Morgan. It's been a while." Jessie stepped forward and gave a Morgan a smile.

"Too long, since we were seventeen so like what? Thirteen years? Fourteen?"

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