Chapter 33

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I turn on the hot water shower and let the water run down my body with my head filled with thoughts.

Nat wasn't wrong at all, I haven't been myself ever since then. Staying at home, with the thought that my parents are leaving me out on something very important suffocates me. I don't know who I am. My feelings for Nathan is a huge problem and it confuses me. There's a possibility that Tyler has just been toying with me. I don't even know if the whole incident with those boys was actually just a mistake.

Where the fuck did it all go wrong?
I wish I could talk to Nat about it, but where do I even start?

I turn off the shower and proceed to get ready to see Tyler. The thoughts don't leave my head as I dry my hair and put on my clothes.

I hear a knock on my door.

"I'll be down soon, Mr Carter!" I say with a smile on my face as I open the door, so he doesn't have to come back again.

My eyes open in shock when I see who's at the door.

"What are you doing here?" I ask and disappointment flashes in his eyes and I realize how wrong that sounded and I rephrase my question. "I mean, you didn't have to climb all the way here, I'll be down soon." I say.

"I just wanted to surprise you." He sulks.

"Just wait, let me put on my shoes, I'll go down with you." I smile at him and do exactly that, then follow him downstairs.

"You should be happier to see your boyfriend." He says pinching my cheeks as we get to the end of the stairs.

"I am." I reply giggling.

We end up going to his tree house, I figured that since I really wanted answers, it had to be just us.

"I'm really sorry about the last time, bringing up Nathan and all." He says, halfway into our date and I choke on my food after hearing his name.

"Are you okay?" He asks handing me a bottle of  water and stroking my back gently.

"Yeah." I shake it off laughing.

The feeling of anxiety washes over me, I got so intrigued in our conversations that I almost forgot what I came here to talk to him about.

Please don't tell me all these was to get on Nathan's nerves.

"I remember you told me you made this house for your first love." I say casually.

"I said I made it for someone," he chuckles, "What about it?" He replies not thinking deeply into it.

"Was it Serena?" I ask and it catches him off guard. His expression says it all. He doesn't reply immediately but picks up his bottle of water and sips from it.

"Don't tell me you're jealous." He chuckles again trying to dissolve the tension.

"That's not the issue Tyler." I deadpan.

He realizes how serious I'm being and sighs, "Yeah, it was."

I feel a slight ache in my heart as I started getting scared of what the outcome of our conversation may be. Deep down I wanted him to say it wasn't her, just anybody but her.

"But that doesn't matter." He says leaning in for a kiss but I pull away and follow it up with another question.

"Do you love me?" I ask looking into his eyes. I know I may sound jealous and desperate, but I just need him to reassure me that all the time he spent with me was real.

He returns the stare with the same intensity, but this time as if searching for something. "What's gotten into you? Of course I do." He replies.

"I think I have feelings for Nathan." I blurt out.

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