chapter 5

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"Everyone has a table of their own, but since you're new, I'll let you stay at mine today. I'll introduce you to my friends" I inform her.

"Noted, Thank you." I can see she really appreciates my idea.

"Starfire, where have you been all day?" Cade shouts, making sure he's heard although I'm not close to the table.

On getting to the table I turn to face him

"I'm not star fire, plus you didn't have to say it out loud for everyone to hear"

"I wasn't talking to them, so they should mind their own business" he says giving me a sad face. I sigh

"I missed you too Cade." his face brightens up and then his eyes meet Penelope.

"Guys, meet Penelope, the transfer student." I say, then she smiles and waves.

"Hey Blondie," Nathan says as he joins the table. She rolls her eyes at him, a small laughter escapes my lips.

"You can come sit next to me," Noah says smirking.

"You couldn't just wait to make a move on the new girl." Dylan says,

"Hi, I'm Dylan." he says facing her with a smile on his face,

"And he was complaining about me," Noah says under his breath but we all hear him, Dylan just rolls his eyes ignoring him. They all exchange greetings, well apart from Nat.

Just as she's about to sit down, Nat places her leg on the chair

"You can't sit here." she glares at Penelope.

I probably should have warned her earlier not to sit next to the girl with a freakishly scary aura, well my bad.

"Okay, we've met her, hurray! What's she still doing here?" she spits, facing me this time.

"Chill out girl, she's with Ash," Ray says beside her, trying to calm her down.

"She's always this way around strangers, but if you get to know her, she's really a nice person." I say to Penelope, who looks terrified. I'm not fazed by Natalie's act all all.

"That's Natalie, but we call her Nat," I continue.

"She's only staying for today Nat, she doesn't have a table yet, let her stay, please." I shoot her a sad pouting face. She can't say no, She sighs in defeat.

"Just for today." I smile at her. Nat has always been this way, if she doesn't know you, don't stare at her, smile at her, or talk to her, it never goes well and as much as she hates meeting new people, she hates eating with them. They seem to be getting along well. That's a good thing

My mind wanders back to last night, the dream I had. If I was really crying like my mum had said, I wonder why. I try to see if I could remember the girl's face, but my head just aches and I give up. Penelope White...I'm sure I've heard that name before, but where? She doesn't look familiar, not that I can remember but it just seems strange. I feel a finger poke my face.

"You've been zoning out a lot lately, are you sure you're okay?" Dylan seems to always notice when I'm zoned out, which means he's always looking out for me, and I appreciate it.

"I'm fine," shooting him a small smile "Thank you." I continue, He smiles back.

"Starfire, would you follow me for a party on Friday and act as my girlfriend?" Cade asks out of the blue.

"That's so wrong," I laugh .

"Why would you want straw as your girlfriend?" Nathan asks. I make my face into a scowl which makes him smile a bit.

"Cade are you okay?" Ray asks. It doesn't make sense that Cade doesn't want to go alone and fuck all the girls in a party.

"What so you guys take me for?" He asks,

"A man whore obviously" Nat answers rolling her eyes in a playful manner,

"I feel very hurt right now, all of you are looking down on me, but I can ignore that. Starfire, I can't believe you're doing this to me" he says with his hand on his chest pretending to be hurt.

Yeah right, I laugh

"Penelope, would you do me the honors of going to the party with me?" He stretches out his hands and smiles.

Noah takes it immediately "So that was your plan all along, yes I'll go with you." he says not letting go.

"I'm not gay!" Cade protests,

"It doesn't matter, I love you so much, I can't get you off my mind, you've always ignored me, please let me be your boyfriend, I'll do anything for you." he says giving a sad face.

"What's wrong with Noah, get the fuck away from me bro, y'all should help me." He says looking at everyone at the table, but we're too engrossed in laughter to do anything. I'm almost out of breath because of their display.

"Break it up guys." Dylan says still laughing softly and gets up to get Noah's hands off Cade's.

"So Penelope, what made you transfer here?" He asks,

Penelope looks over to me as if begging me to say something, I guess she wants to leave the past in the past.

"It's a long story." I interrupt, catching everyone off guard, then she gives me a grateful look.

"Wow, you've only spent few minutes with her and you guys are already close enough to speak up for each other." Nat blurts out.

I'm about to reply, but I feel a hand on my thigh, it's Dylan's.

"Just ignore her," he whispers and I nod, I know best anyway that if I talk back, we'll probably end up arguing and that's far from what I want.

"You know it's nothing like that Natalie," he speaks up.

"Everyone seems to like you a lot Penelope." Nathan says, but with a straight face, you can't know what he's thinking about which makes Penelope a bit uncomfortable.

"But you're Blondie, I saw you first." He says smirking.

Is Nathaniel flirting?

"Wow, man welcome back to the club" Noah says and gives him a bro shake.


After lunch, I leave with Penelope, that'll be best for everyone.

"Nat, Natalie, whatever her name is, she has major attitude issues, like she's crazy." Penelope lashes out, breaking the silence between us.

Well that's very nice of you to say

"It's not that way, she's just not very nice on the first meet, give her time, She'll grow on you." I defend,

Well you have mood swing issues.

"Trust me, you're only defending her because she's your best friend."

Trust you?, Unbelievable.

"I'm not taking sides, I'm just trying to avoid any misunderstandings." I reply

"Yeah, whatever, see you later." she finishes then walks away.

Well that was something.

I hope you liked this chapter, although I know it isn't anything much.
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