chapter 1

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"I don't want to go back." I say to myself as I lay on my bed reminiscing the time spent away from home and away from the real world.

I will definitely miss being here with everyone.

"I don't want school to resume." I groan into my pillow.

"Fuck school!"

If only the world could just stop for me.

"Will you come downstairs already!" Nat groans."It's the third time I've been here just this morning," She complains walking up to meet me. "What are you doing?"

"I want to make a time machine. So, I'm surfing the internet on how to." I reply shoving my phone in her face.

"If I didn't know you, I'll think you're one smart ass," She laughs.

Oh, she thinks this is funny? I totally ignore her cause I know it'll spite her.

"Get up you ass!" She shouts pulling the pillow away from me.

"It's Ash!" I spit and she laughs.

"Yeah whatever," she says rolling her eyes but then smiles, "Wash up and come join us downstairs Nate made breakfast." she finishes then gets up to leave.

I really hope it's pancakes.

I quickly wash up and head downstairs. We're staying at the twins beach house for the summer break and it's a really nice place. They're all just sitting around watching something on the TV.

I've known Natalie and Ray my whole life, considering the fact that they were the first friends I made after I miraculously recovered. The boys just recently became a main part of my life.

"Back to earth Ash." Dylan waves his hands in front of my face interrupting my trail of thoughts.

"We've been waiting for you since like forever, Nathan made pancakes." I ignore the the part where Ray said she had been waiting for me since forever.

"Pancakes!" I shout with a big smile forming on my face as I turn to face Nathan, his pancakes are so out of this world.

"You can't just get enough of me, can you?" he beams with pride. Nathan and I aren't that close, I'm closer with the other guys, but we try our best.

"I can't get enough of your pancakes."I correct him, a smirk forming on my face.

"Ouuu!" Ray, Cade and Noah echoes from behind us and we all laugh.

"Can we eat now?" Nat asks from across the room while heading to the dinning table.

We all sit down and start filling our plates.

"You're fully aware that you're not the only one who needs nutrient from her breakfast right?" Ray says arching an eyebrow.

I was just about to place my fifth pancake on my plate, but I drop it and smile at her sheepishly, because I know she meant it.


My subconscious yelled.

The betrayal!

"Yeah, let the poor girl get rid of her briefness," Noah says making us burst out in laughter, which earns him a scowl from her.

Ray was a 5,1 which made it easier for her to be teased by us, there's nothing wrong with her height and we love her yes, but where's the fun in friendship if there's no teasing?

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