chapter 13

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I was really tired yesterday, so I slept for a long time, my stomach aches for some reasons though. I open my eyes softly to see the girls seated together

"What did I miss?" I asks as I get up from the bed.

"You sleep a lot Ash," Steph says,

"You'll get used to it," Natalie says laughing softly.

I smile at them, so sweet. Why are they up so early? It's not as if we're doing anything today. I go and wash up then have breakfast, so now I'm just on my looking through my phone

"Ash!" I hear a voice call me as the door opens. It's Penelope, Natalie doesn't react. I'm so proud of her.

"Yes, what's up?" I ask,

"I have something to tell you," She says gesturing that we should leave the room.

I excuse myself and follow her out, I wonder what she has to tell me.

"I like Nathan." she spits,

I know that.

"Why do I need to know that?" I ask clearly confused. Then she smiles at me.

"Because we're friends, and you seem close to Nathan," she says,

"You got it all wrong, Nathan and I are not close at all, I try my best to avoid him." I say,

"No you don't." she replies,

"What?" I ask,

"You don't try your best to avoid him, I've seen the way you look at him." she says with a straight face.

The way I look at him?

"That's the dumbest thing I've heard." I protest.

"Do you like him?" she asks ignoring what I just said.

"Hell no." I don't have to think twice to answer.

"Good." she says and smiles at me, "Then nothing will come between our friendship." She says.

I think she got this whole friendship thing wrong, that's not the way you tell a friend about the guy you like, although it was already obvious, I don't say anything I just stare at her.

"He's a party boy yeah?" She asks,

"Yeah sure, why?" she looks at me like I was the dumb one.

"Because there's a party tomorrow night, and I was wondering if I should go with him." she says.

"There's a party tomorrow?" I ask.

"He definitely likes a good dancer yeah?" She asks again ignoring me.

I'm not him Penelope!

"I don't know, why?" I reply

"Because there's a get together today, and there's going to be a dance off. " she says.

Why am I just hearing about this?

"You dance?" I ask,

"I'm gonna blow your mind," she says and smiles then walks away.

Good luck on doing that.

I go back to my room still thinking about our conversation, what a weird girl.

"What did you guys talk about?" Ray asks as I enter.

"She confessed her love to me." I say with a straight face.

"For reals?" Stephanie asks with a mixture of shock and fear, I laugh at her expression.

"She confessed her love for Nathan to me," I say, and I can see the relief in their faces.

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