chapter 3

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"Are you okay honey?"

My eyes open slightly to reveal my mother's figure sitting on my bed with a concern look on her face.

"You were crying, are you okay?"She continues.

Wait, what?

"Yeah mum, I'm fine." I assure her while sitting up.

"Was it a bad dream?" Yeah, it was just a dream.

"Yes." I pause "I saw a girl, a little girl, she had really long hair, she was standing in a big dark space, crying, she was alone."

Why would I have that type of dream?

My mum pulls me into her arms giving me a warm hug "It's fine honey, it's fine." She says trying to calm me down. Yeah, I know, you're the one exaggerating.

"Mum, I'm okay, seriously " I let out a small laugh. She still looks worried.

"Mum, I said I'm fine." I don't really get why she's so bothered, I'm really fine. She doesn't seem satisfied, she refuses to leave till I fall asleep again so I close my eyes and drift off.


Nat's the only one with me in my class now. After what seemed like hours had passed, the lecturer finally ends his class.

"We're having a transfer student." The teacher announces.

Most people don't really give a shit, they just want to be out of the class already, myself included, some seem really excited, Nat on the other hand isn't loving the idea.

"Ugh" she groans. "We're having another transfer student, like again?" Like you didn't just hear what the lecturer said.

"I don't get your deal with them anyway" I say laughing in between, like I didn't know. Nat just glares at me, making me laugh even harder.

Our school is like really popular and it's like the best in town, we get new transfer students all the time and most times we've not had good experience with them.

There was this guy Lucas, he was so crazy in love with Nat, he followed her everywhere and always gave her this creepy smile, it was so hilarious. Nat couldn't take it anymore and ended up scolding him so much in front of everyone that he peed in his pants. I felt so bad for him but I couldn't help but laugh, he's still around though but now he avoids her, poor boy.

Or this other girl Stella, she was so head over heels for Nathan, she was his crazy stalker. She creped the hell out of all of us, but stupid Nathan wasn't bothered at all he found her cute. One time she got so jealous of Nat and spray painted her car, because she was almost always with him, Nat was so furious and got her expelled. Like I said, she was crazy creepy.

There were other times hilarious times too... They just have a way of somehow getting mixed up with us.

"They always make a mess, I really don't give two fucks about them, so they should stay the fuck away from me, is that too much to ask?" I'm not sure she's done ranting but I zone her out.

"Hi everyone, I'm Penelope White." the new girl introduces herself.

I get a familiar feeling from her.

Do I know her from somewhere?

She doesn't look so bad. she's pretty with long curly blonde hair, average in height, I should be taller then her with a few inches. She's very confident, I can see that.

Nat just doesn't like meeting new people, the only new student that day we'll with her was Steph, Stephanie Phillips. She transferred in last year, I still remember how we met her

Sometime last year****

Whenever a disciplinary meeting was going to be held, it was always announced the day before and the next day, Stephanie was going to face them.

During that period of time, there were gossips about her, about how she seduces the calculus teacher for marks, but we couldn't care less.

When she entered the cafeteria, all eyes were on her and people raised their voices

"I guess things don't stay hidden to the school authorities forever." a voice said,

"I wonder what it feels like sleeping with your teacher." Another voice said, different insults rained on her. The poor girl struggled to eat her food trying her best to ignore them, but I guess she couldn't take it anymore.

She slammed her food against the table, getting everyone's attention, then stood on the table. She looked like she just regretted her actions, but there was no turning back now. She took in a deep breath, looking more confident this time

"I didn't seduce him." she paused,

"I didn't seduce Mr Coleman!" she shouted.

"You're making a scene bitch, sit down!" a voice shouted back.

"Then what happened babe?" another voice said but not with concern, but in plain mockery. She just stood there looking like what she had to say was really difficult, sadness took over that confident look she had earlier

"I was sexually abused". Tears rolled down her eyes, she looked helpless.

There was silence, nobody said a word, not because they believed, but because they hoped she was lying. She was either a lying bitch or a suffering sexually abused girl and no matter how it sounds, I wished she was the former, because I couldn't imagine anybody being the latter.

"She's telling the truth" Nathan said as he got up to leave not wanting to see the end results. You can't doubt Nathan, although he acts like he doesn't care about a lot if things, he observes the things we don't.

Someone threw their box of juice at her,

"Yeah, right, blame the man." then the insults started again.

"I'm not lying" steph said trying to defend herself.

Nat hits her tray on the table this time, getting everyone's attention again.

"Can you guys leave her the fuck alone, give her space the poor girl was trying to eat." I actually couldn't believe what was going on then. Nat was a nice person, but she minds her own business, always.

"The girl said she didn't seduce him, so be it, end of discussion." Then she walked over to Stephanie and helped her down.

"I don't want to hear anything related to this anymore." She took Stephanie and led her out and we followed shortly after.

Steph didn't stop thanking Nat, it was so sweet and hilarious at the same time. She told us her story and we stood by her at the disciplinary meeting and ever since then we've been friends.


"Miss Ash Lee, the principal would like to see you." The lecturer informs me as he steps out.

"Mr Parker seems very fond of you these days" she jokes.

"Yeah right." I laugh along with her.

I wonder what he has to tell me this time.

After leaving the principal's office, this time with a task to carry out, I notice a small gathering, normally I would walk past but it's the only path leading to my locker. I push my way through the crowd, not literary though, cause they all gave way for me, I'm now in front, with the cause of the gathering few feets away from me

" Fucking asshole!..."

Nat was such a bad ass yeah?, I'll like to see what you guys think. Vote and comment, thank you.

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