chapter 14

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I'm standing here, watching him kiss her, others are cheering loudly. I turn to see my friends in shock, but Natalie has anger in her eyes, my stomach starts aching again, although I was the winner, now It feels like I lost. Then he walks out, leaving everybody in thoughts.

"Guys, I'm going inside my stomach hurts." I inform them as I walk up to them.

"Are you sure you're okay?" Ray asks,

"Yeah, I'm fine." I reply giving her a small smile.

"Starfire, if you go now, you won't get to see me swim." Cade says indirectly telling me to wait.

"I'll cheer you on from my room, don't worry" I say.

"You want to miss the act of a water god?" Noah asks which makes me laugh.

"I saw more than enough of the water god during summer,"I smile, "If you guys miss me so much, you could come with me." I continue.

"We're fine." Steph says, I knew they won't come up with me which makes me laugh again,

"See you guys later then." I say and they say their goodbyes, Natalie's just quiet, probably playing the events of her brother kissing a girl that doesn't deserve him,

Her words not mine. I shoot her a smile and she smiles back,

she's fine.

Cade would get angry at me if he finds out that I didn't watch him, I could do that from my balcony but it's a better view from the boy's side. Nathan should be with Penelope, which means I'll be alone.

Just what I want.

"You should be seated if your stomach aches so much, come inside ." Nathan says as he comes into sight.

"Don't you think you care too much for somebody who's just your sister's best friend?" I ask

Quite childish? I know.

"You're not just my sister's best friend," He pauses, then looks into my eyes as if searching for something "You also mean a great deal to the guys, Ray, Steph and Penelope." He continues.

Yeah right, Penelope,

"I'm fine." I say, turning back to face the pool. What was I expecting?

"Please," he says, well I wasn't expecting that. I sigh in defeat and walk inside and sit on the couch, then he sits next to me.

"Do you know Penelope from like your childhood or something? " he asks, as he sits next to me,

Do you always think of her?

"I don't know, why?"

Does she think I'm familiar too?

"She said you look familiar, well, she's always talking about you, she seems to really like you a lot." he continues.

Well that's nice.

"Well, you like her a lot too." I say and he gives me a confused look.

"I didn't know you're one to like public display of affection." I continue,

"Oh that, I don't know what came over me, it was like I was under a spell," he says with a straight face and shrugs.

Too sappy, Nathan.

"You seem to like Tyler too, since you guys kissed." he says,

You saw that?

"Shouldn't you know that?" I say turning to face him, but he just shrugs.

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