Chapter 31

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"1965. The first recorded year of peace between the two countries." Cade answers loud and clear, and the whole class gives him a round of applause because he just saved our asses from the quiz of an angry old man.

He's so evil, I mean it's barely 5 minutes into the class!

I stare at him in awe, as the words that come out of his mouth are unknown to me. I don't usually have any class with Dylan and Cade but for some complicated reasons we're having a mix up for our history class.

"Woah," I speak up first.

"I almost forgot how much of a history guru you were." Ray says,

"It's okay, I also forget once in a while too." He replies laughing,

"If we had that test Ash would get an F minus," Noah says laughing and they join him.

"I've never gotten anything less than an B plus, and you know it." I reply with a smirk.

"You won't be so proud when a pop up test slaps you across the face." Dylan replies not letting me enjoy my comeback.

"Y'all should leave Ash alone." Steph says trying her best to hold in her laughter.

Thank you not.

"Starfire would do just great." Cade says with a smile.

"You see, that's why Cade would always be my favorite." I say smiling back at him.

"We all know you can't do without any one of us." Ray says,

"Want to see me try?"

"I'd love to." She replies.

"We're in class, focus." I say sitting properly on my chair giving my full attention to the the teacher.

"Thought as much," she laughs.

Today makes it exactly two years that Serena wasn't with them, so the twins didn't show up. It must be really hard on Nathan and I guess being in school would only make it worse.

"Will you come along with us after school to go get pizza?" Noah asks kicking the back to my chair disrupting my thoughts.

"You didn't have to kick the chair!" I glare at him, "I'm going over to Tyler's after, sorry." I say calmly.

"So he's the one?" Ray asks,

"As I said, we're in class focus." I reply and laugh afterwards.

I'm still confused.

"You have to tell him what happened,"  Ray says.

"I know." I sigh.

History class took forever, he's one of those teachers that like to suck you dry before you leave for your home.

As usual we wait till the class is empty before we leave, Tyler came to join us so we head outside together.

"So we'll see you guys later." Tyler says pulling me closer and puts his hands into the back pocket of my shorts and I lean into him and smile at my friends.

They smile at me but I notice them looking over our heads.

"I guess someone decided to show up after all." Dylan says, and immediately Nathan's car drives up to where we are, which makes me jolt out of Tyler's hold with fear that he might hit us.


He comes out of the car and without talking to anyone or acknowledging their presence, he gently pulls me by my hand.

"Please come with me." He says,

His hair isn't styled in any particular way, just really messy, not like the normal messy by just ruffling his hair, more like a cat was in there. He doesn't give out his normal cocky, rude attitude, he's just calm. He looks soulless.

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