Chapter 29

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"Mojo are you even listening?" I ask sitting across the white furry human sized teddy given to me by Nathan. It stares back at me without moving an inch,

Well what was I expecting? I sigh.

I push it off the chair, then move to the bed and cuddle up myself in the blanket. After many series of turns, I get up to pick him up and place him on the bed with me when I hear a knock from door.

Please don't tell me they're more important guest that wish to see me.

I saunter towards the door, and open it to reveal the one person I wanted to see, but was so sure I wasn't going to.

"Happy birthday." He says with a huge smile plastered on his face and my heart flutters. It's as if the heavy weight I felt before had dissolved and were replaced with the joy of seeing him.

I immediately walk away without replying or telling him to come in and head back to my position on the bed. He takes the hint and lets himself in, shuts the door after him and moves towards me.

"I'm sorry okay? Well it's still your birthday so it still counts yeah?" He says and of course gets no reply.

"I'm sorry Ash, I really am, trust me I had my reasons, but I'm here." He sighs "Come on buttercup, don't do this to me." He says with a hint of amusement in his voice.

I smile to myself but still don't reply. He moves away from the bed,

Is he leaving?

"I can see you were venting your anger out on the teddy" He says laughing. "What did you tell it?" He pauses, "I'm so pissed at Nathan for not showing up today, he means so much to me and I can't believe he didn't show up even once." He continues in a tiny female voice.

"First of all I don't sound like that, and I didn't say any of those things." I say sitting up and crossing my arms.

"Trust me buttercup you do," He says and laughs louder this time. "Come here." He says and I run towards him and engulf him with a hug.

Please tell me this is a dream and I didn't just do that.

He knew the effect he had on me and was loving every bit of it.

"Quite an event you've got down there," He says taking a sit.

"I guess my birthday isn't the only thing we're celebrating tonight." I roll my eyes and sit across him.

"Woah, you have a wine brand of your own," He says clearly amazed looking at the wine bottle in the ice bucket.

"It's crazy, but not that great." I pause, "It isn't even my real name," I murmur.

He doesn't say anything after that and I make the gesture asking if he wants to drink and he accepts. I wasn't going to drink it tonight but I have to serve my guest. I pour myself a glass after doing the same for him and we talk about random things.

"Don't drink too much, you aren't used to it,"

"Neither are you," I pause,"I'm going to do what I want to." I continue.

The wine has quite a high percentage of alcohol and it's my first time drinking so I get where he's coming from, but then, I'm sick and tired of not doing what I want to do.

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