chapter 10

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"I can't believe you guys were actually going to leave without me," I say as I make myself comfortable.

"You said you weren't coming," Ray replies.

"You guys should have protested or something, if Ash isn't going then neither are we, that kind of stuff." I add which makes them laugh.

"Yeah right." Stephanie says.

Well, my parents changed their minds. When I got home that day, we talked, they were really surprised by my outburst, I mean, I myself was surprised. It didn't take that long for us to make up anyway.

Myself, Natalie, Stephanie and Ray are at the back seat, while the guys are sitting in the middle.

Kind of like the center of attraction.

They were really happy I could make it, Noah even lifted me off the floor when he hugged me, well Nathan just acted like he wasn't bothered by my existence. To me, this trip is a mini vaccination, just that it was organized by school.

Halfway to our destination, the girls are already asleep, I can't seem to fall asleep though, no matter how much I try. My eyes wander off, Penelope is with Wendy the bully at the front, she's moving with the wrong crowd again.

Now my attention shifts to the boys, Justin who's Tyler's best friend is asleep, along with Cade. The rest of them just seem like they're catching up, cracking jokes and laughing, Nathan and Tyler are a seat in front of the rest, they're seated in a sideways position so they'll be able to talk freely with the boys.

Nathan's laughing so hard, and in his eyes, no sadness, no hurt just happiness. His friends and family must have been really proud with the way he handled Serena's death. Nathan isn't a bad person, although he acts like he doesn't care most of the time, now I know that he's only trying to not get hurt. I just try my best not to talk to him because our friendship has been a crazy rollercoaster ride and I never  know what side of him I'm going to face. I'm overly sensitive and I mostly always react in the wrong way. To think he a typical bad boy before,

He turns and his eyes meet mine, but I don't look away and neither does he.

Nathan's extremely good looking, his curly black hair is to his neck, he probably hasn't gotten a hair cut for a while now and his blue eyes are so beautiful, he's wearing a grey leather jacket which fits him a lot.

"You're staring at Nathan." Stephanie says besides me making me tear my gaze.

"I was?" I ask trying to pretend like I wasn't fully aware of what I was doing, well she fell for it. She nods.

"I was just thinking," I say " I thought you were sleeping," I add.

"I was trying to, I wonder how Natalie and Ray are doing it, I'm so jealous." She replies and I laugh, then my eyes wanders back to the guys, but this time, my eyes meet Tyler's and he winks at me.

"Steph, Steph!" I call out to her, hitting her thighs in a repeated manner softly." Tyler just winked at me," I say smiling like a child while bending my head so he won't see my reaction

"I saw that Ash, I saw that," she says laughing at my reaction and soon after, I drift off to sleep.

"We're here!" I hear a voice shouts from the front, waking me up from my sleep. Then we start coming down and get our stuffs out of the car.

The hotel had a French name which I can't pronounce but it sounds pretty, the place is huge. It's a blue building with more glass than blocks. There are beautifully trimmed trees, lined up outside, with 3 dolphin fountains and a wide parking space. I wonder how much this cost. We're informed that we'll be staying in a suite in the hotel, and it's four to a room

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