chapter 18

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I thought of yelling, so the gathering would go away, but I can't do that, only Nat could pull up something like that. I wish she was here.

I was going to walk away, before they make a fool out of me, but he did the opposite.

"I don't know what's gotten you into acting like this, but snap out of it." He says to Penelope, then looks at me.

"Let's go."

I'm still in shock but I follow along, he decides to skip the remaining part of school, Finally.

The car ride back to my back to my place is a bit awkward, he doesn't say anything and his eyes are focused on the road, I can't help but stare at him and I decide to break the silence.

"What was that all about?" I ask, still really confused.

"We've known each other for like 4 years now, If we paid more attention to each other, we could have been best friends or something." He says as his eyes flicker from the road to me then back to the road.

"I've known Penelope for only a month now, it's only logical, besides I can't stand and watch someone I care about be humiliated." He says but his eyes stays on the road.

Someone he cares about?

You called me an inanimate object!

"I thought you liked her," I say softly,

"I do," he says, then looks at me.

"I mean not in that way, I knew she was in love with me, but I was going to stick to us being just friends, and I fucked it all up when I kissed her," He pauses, "I don't even know why I did that." He continues.

"What of the other day with Nat?" I ask, I still have a lot of questions.

"Natalie is my sister, and I love her a lot, but that day she was way out of line. I know she doesn't like relating with new people, but Penelope wasn't a total stranger." he explains.

There's one thing that's for sure, Nathan wasn't a jerk. I find myself staring at him, this was a side of him I had never experienced.

"Hmm, Straw, I know I'm breathtakingly handsome, but you're going to bore a hole through my head." He says, taking his eyes off the road.

I quickly turn my face away, hoping he didn't see the color change of my cheeks, out of embarrassment.

"You wanted to see Natalie, yeah?"

I nod, but didn't turn my head.

The rest of the ride was silent, but not awkward, and we end up going to his house instead.

The Myers mansion reminds me of home, it was just as huge as mine, well a little bit bigger, with the same white color. They had a pool at the back, the trees were beautifully trimmed which decorated the place, they had two water fountains at the front, which in my case we only had one. The cars parked at the car park were two times the number of cars we had, but this wasn't the only thing that made it feel like home. There was also a warm feeling that comes with being here.

My parents were almost never at home, and I would always feel lonely, this house was my saving grace. I've always considered my friendship with the girls a blessing, and what Nathan said was true. The only other time we spoke properly after the whole simba incident was when he humiliated me in front of Tyler. The day I decided to show up to a school when I wasn't a student. Whether it was intentional or not, it made me so mad, I only forgave him after Tyler's confession the other day, but that was the start of our so called friendship.

"Ash!" Natalie calls out to me in excitement as she comes into sight from the kitchen with a bowl of chicken in one hand and a cup in the other.

Well someone is happy to see me.

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