chapter 4

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"Fucking asshole!" Penelope screams.

She's standing in front of Nathan, who doesn't look affected, just as if he wasn't called an asshole. Penelope on the other hand isn't calm at all. Typical high school story, new girl meets mannerless bad boy on her first day of school.

How nice.

I didn't bother asking what happened, because it was already obvious. Before I comprehend the situation properly, I'm already in between them.

Well I guess I didn't think this through.

"Nathan, that's enough, now please leave." I say as I face him, I'm praying silently in my heart that he doesn't do anything stupid.

"Sure thing." he replies giving me a small smile.

Again, what's going on in his head?

"Bye Blondie, see you around." He said referring to Penelope, I turn to her,

"There you are." I say smiling, I was going straight to look for her anyway, so this is a blessing in disguise.

"What do you want?" she deadpans.

Don't lash out on me girl, I'm not the asshole.

I take in a deep breath

"I'm Ash, Ash Lee, and I'm your guardian till you're probably able to find your own way around school."

I still can't believe in doing this.

"Oh, I'm so sorry, I was really pissed off by the attitude of the guy earlier, I'm Penelope." she says with a smile.

Wow that was quick, it would take me a long period of time to recover from Nathan's bullshit.

I start laughing, which earns me a confused look from her

"He's like that, you'll get used to it." she still looks confused

"I mean Nathan," her expressions still doesn't Change

"I mean the asshole." She seems like finally understood.

"Oh." she says,

Wow just wow.

I'm still curious to find out what really happened though,

"So what exactly happened?" I ask and she doesn't hesitate to answer

"So when I came earlier today, I was already late and still didn't know my way around school. I would have had a map or something but I asked for a guardian instead." she looks at me apologetically

"It's okay,"

But I would have still appreciated it, if it wasn't me.

"The hallway was almost empty and he was just there, so I walked up to him to asked him for directions. He actually looked concerned and so nice and he gave me directions. I thanked him a lot, like I actually felt really relieved, but his directions took me round and back to where I started. I was so furious, I didn't even know where to start from again. Then, I met this other girl, I think her name is Wendy or so and she directed me to the class. After the class, I was just going to wait for you, you get me? Like I didn't know it was going to be you but I waited for you, you get?" I laugh at the way she struggles with her words.

Yes I do Penelope, I just nod my head and she continues

"Till I saw him, the asshole I mean, and I became furious again. Then I approached him, he said he gave the the right direction but I got lost by myself, then he laughed at me and I just couldn't take it". She doesn't look so smart though, but she looks satisfied. I'm pretty sure Nathan gave her the right directions and she just messed it up.

"Thumbs up girl." I say giving her a thumps up, Nathan might be an asshole sometimes but I doubt hell do something like that.

"Can I say something?" I'm just trying to be as polite as I can.

"Yeah sure." I hope she reacts the way I want her to,

"It's the beginning of your love story, you know, typical high school story." I laugh,

"Ewww not at all," she says clearly in disgust "But he's hot." she continues. I let out a loud laugh, yeah, I know. We could actually become close, she smiles at my reaction.

We start our tour around the school, but she seems kind of bored, so I decide to bring up a topic

"So what made you transfer here?" she finally seems interested since we were going to be talking about her.

"Well, it's a long story" she says,

"We still have a long way to go, but if you don't want to, it's fine." I reply. I'm okay if she doesn't want to talk, plus we just met

"It's fine." she finally says

"Well, there was this nerd girl, I can't really remember her name, she was a pain in the ass. I totally lost it when she talked back to me once, like how dare she? And there was this guy she really liked, I payed him to get her nudes and I posted them. She was definitely screwed. Things got out of hand, and somehow, it was traced back to me and well, I was expelled." she pauses,

"If you ask me, it's just normal high school bullshit." she shrugs.

I wasn't expecting that at all, I thought her reasons would be something about her academics or this school being well known or at the very least been a victim.

"Oh." it was the only thing I could say

She doesn't look like that kind of person,

"Don't get me wrong, I was under some kind of influence, the kind where you're popular and everyone expects you to be a bitch, but it won't repeat itself again." she says, probably seeing my expression.

"Well I'm with you, yeah?" she adds. I can't help but laugh

"Yeah, you're with me."

As I said, she doesn't look like that kind of girl.

I show her around school like twice before heading to the cafeteria.

Nat's going to flip out when I bring her to our table.

So what you you guys think about the new girl? And how do you think Natalie will react?
I'll love to see your feedbacks in the comment section.

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