chapter 7

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"Miss Ash, Miss Natalie is here," Mr carter informs me from the the other side of the room.

"Good morning." He adds.

Polite as ever.

"Please tell her, that I've got the flu and that I won't be able to make it today, that she should leave without me!" I shout.

I'm ninety percentage sure, she'll probably come upstairs to check up on me, but the remaining ten percent is that She'll leave because she's too lazy to climb upstairs.

"Miss Ash, she's standing right here and coming in, in just about now." he says and immediately the door opens.

So yes, ninety percent it is.

I cover my face immediately and hide myself under the blanket, I could hear the sound of her heels as she came closer

"We both know that if you were actually sick, you won't have the energy to shout the way you did." She says probably standing in front of me.

I should have thought of that,

"Nat, I'm sorry you'll have to go to school without me today, I feel feverish" I reply trying to sound as weak as I can.

Did she buy it?

"Tyler isn't coming to school today." she sighs

Ray told me late last night that he was back,

"For reals?" I ask lowering the blanket and immediately sit up.

"No, I don't know." She says laughing at me.

Nope, she didn't buy it.

"I'm not in good health Nat" I say as I cover, myself with my blanket in shame.

"It's because of Tyler isn't it?" She asks as she sits on the bed with me.

"I'm not ready to face him Nat," I say in a low voice. She looks at me sympathetically

"Ash, it was a long time ago." She says,

"Not for me." I reply. I know she's just trying to make me feel better.

"You know he was only trying to help you," She continues.

"You know that's a lie Nat, he was trying to humiliate me, Nathan wanted to make a fool out of me." I stare right into her eyes.

I don't mean to make her choose between her twin brother and her best friend but it had to be this way.

"He said I was like a sister to him," I say, "And we weren't even that close, he probably just said that to not make me feel bad." I continue.

"It was like years ago, Ash."

"So?" I retort.

What are you trying to say?

"You could make him eat his words." She replies then smiles. I couldn't help but smile back.

"Go wash up girl, I'll pick your outfit." she says then pushes me out of the bed.

"Ouch!" I exclaim she laughs then gets up and move to my wardrobe, totally ignoring me.

"We're already late, we could just ditch school for today," I plead as I get up to head to the bathroom.

"My mind's already made up." I groan,

Today's is definitely going to be a day to remember.

By the time I'm through tidying up, she's sitting on my bed and my outfit for the day beside her.

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