chapter 8

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I've always wanted to stare into those hazel eyes of his, touch his icy silver hair, in actual real life not just in my imagination and now I've ticked the first one out of the list. His hair grew longer, his shoulders broader and I think he grew taller too, he still looks gorgeous as ever.

At the beginning of the day, I didn't want to go to school because I was too embarrassed to face him, after he turned me down about a year ago but now that same guy is staring right at me like I was the only girl in the world. I had butterfly in my stomach, I didn't know what to say. I was dying of happiness, my heart did a somersault.

"Hey," he says finally, still staring into my eyes.

"Hey," I reply not breaking the eye contact.

"Can you guys stop staring already I haven't met the guy yet." Noah grumbles from beside me.

Way to ruin the moment, I glare at him.

"I love you Ash, please forgive me" he whispers, which makes me chuckle a bit.

Then they do their bro hug and stuffs

"Natalie, Ray, I've missed you guys!" Tyler exclaimed as he pulls them into a hug

"Yeah right, but you completely zoned us out when you were staring at Ash." Ray retorts.

My cheeks burn, and turn red, I don't want him to see that, so I turn to leave

"Wait for us straw." Nathan shouts then he joins me with Cade by his side.

"Our Starfire looks very pretty today." Cade says smiling at me as we walk to the cafeteria.

Did you put on makeup?" Nathan asked then touches my face as if to check.

"Don't touch me Nathan!" I protest,

"I didn't apply any makeup." I continue.

"But you dressed up for him." Nathan adds,

"No I did not." I lie, then increase my pace so I'm walking ahead of them.

"Leave her alone Nathan!" Cade warns in playful manner as he walks faster to join me, Nathan just laughs but keeps strolling behind.


"Did you see the way he looked at me?" I say, smiling sheepishly.

"I definitely won't look at my family member in that way," Nat says.

"You look at me like that all the time." Nathan jokes.

"Not even in your dreams." Nat replies making him laugh,

"I guess your little dress up worked on the guy." Nathan adds.

Don't talk to me Nathan! I didn't even bother answering him

"Where's Dylan? I haven't seen him today." I ask just realizing that he was missing.

"Missed me, love?" Dylan asks as he takes a seat.

"Where did you come from?" He shoots me a smile but doesn't answer.

"I saw Tyler, on my way here, have you guys met him?" He asks,

"Way ahead of you on that." Ray answers him.

"You should have seen the way he looked at Ash," Cade says,

"Who wouldn't look at Ash that way?" Dylan replies smirking at me. Well he's in a really good mood today

"What's up with your mood today? " Noah asked looking creped out.

I'll say Dylan was the most mature among the guys, he always kept a neutral face and only laughed or smiled when necessary, he wasn't the one to crack a joke or flirt, but he was also very warm.

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