chapter 9

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I wake up quite early, okay, just earlier than usual, because I slept early last night. After washing up and getting ready for school I head downstairs.

"Good morning honey,"

My parents are still around?

"What are you guys doing home?" I ask, that sounded weird but I meant what I said.

"Aren't you happy to see us?" My dad asks raising an eyebrows in confusion.

"Well it's kinda strange seeing you guys this early in the morning" I reply.

"Sit down, breakfast is ready." My mum says ignoring my reaction.


I start to dig in, savoring each bite as it melts in my mouth.

"You know, your school trip was pushed backwards and it's next tomorrow." My mum informs me.

That's so soon, it's usually during the middle of the year.

"Oh," I reply,

Thanks for the information.

"You won't be going." she adds.

"What? why?" I ask,

Why wouldn't I go?

"You're not going, that's final, we've already made up our minds." My mum says strictly.

"Dad!" I call out to him, maybe he'll say otherwise. He doesn't reply he just, turns his head the other way.

"I can't believe you guys, why can't I go?" I ask in disbelief,

"We've made up our minds, Ash," my mum replies.

Are you serious?

"I don't care if you've made up your mind, I asked a question, why can't I go?" I shout at the top of my voice.

I'm so fed up with them controlling my everyday movement.

"That's no way to talk to your mother." My dad cautions.

"Oh right, you can talk now, but when I called for your help you turned your face away" I retort.

"Ash!" My dad warns.

Oh, no more honey,

"Don't Ash me, why can't I go for the excursion with my friends? You guys have always kept me indoors, telling me it's better that way, I'm not a kid anymore, I can fucking take care of myself!" I protest.

"No you can't Ash, you can't even remember what happened a few years back" my mum spits.

The fuck did she just say?

She immediately regrets her choice of words "I'm sorry honey, that wasn't what I meant" she apologizes.

"It's doesn't matter, it's true anyway, but that doesn't mean I'll sit at home, and do every fucking little thing you guys tell me to do! You guys are unbelievable." I sob and storm out.

I get the driver to drive me to school, I've never spoken back to my parents before, I've always done what they told me to do. I'm so angry, why can't I go? They couldn't even give me an answer. They're always telling me you can't go out, you can't do this, you can't do that. I know I went over the top back there, but I'm the type who acts before I think but how could she? It's true I couldn't remember what happened in that past, but she shouldn't use that as a coupon to stop me from living my life. A few days away from home won't bring back my brain disease and they knew it. I stop somewhere close to school and stay there to cool off.

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