chapter 11

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The door flings open,

"Way to make an entrance into a girls room guys," Nat says glaring at Noah and Cade who are standing at the entrance of the room.

"I missed you so much, that I couldn't wait to get to the bus to see you" Noah says grinning at Nat.

Am I the only person seeing this?

"Noah I suggested that we waited and not just barge into the girls room," Cade says glaring at Noah.

"Dude, those were my words!" Noah retorts while Cade circled his index finger around his ear. We just laugh at them, Noah has no idea what he just did behind him.

"We should get going if we don't want the bus to leave us behind." Dylan says sticking his head into our room."Hi girls," he continues with a smile then walks in.

"We should just let the bus leave us." Nathan says as he enters into the room with his duck pajamas.

I'm sure they all missed us and couldn't wait to see us.

"Cute pyjamas," Steph says as she laughs softly.

"But I still look hot, don't I?" he replies with a smirk

"Yeah, whatever." Steph replies rolling her eyes playfully.

"The bus isn't going to leave us Nathan" Ray says,

"Going to museum isn't fun guys, I'll rather stay here and watch TV," Nathan replies.

"You think they'll not realize that their top students are missing?" Stephanie speaks up.

"Any misbehavior leads to series of detention Nathan." Dylan warns.

"You guys are no fun." He grumbles as he leaves the room.

"Put some clothes on man!" Noah says.

We finally persuade Nathan to leave his room, and he had no other choice. When we get to the museum, we're informed that we'll have to do 28 stops on four floor, we were given tags and fliers. Cade starts complaining and Ray took a picture of him with her camera. She only carries it around on special occasions.

"Aww you look so cute." She says  as she hangs her camera back around her neck.

"If that picture gets out, my reputation would be tarnished!" Cade states,

"You have a reputation?" she asks trying to hold her laughter back.

"What do you mean, I have a bad boy reputation to keep." he replies.

More like a bad boy with a really cute inside.

"Will you be kicked out of the bad boy club?" she jokes,

"There's no bad boy club Ray, please just delete the picture." He says putting his hand through his hair out of frustration but laughs afterwards.

We get tired and Cade decides to entertain us by mimicking the agent but this time he's using a British accent. It was so hilarious because he was exaggerating it, it even got the attention of some girls and of course he flirts with them.

I wish I didn't just see that.

We're already at the 14th stop on the 2nd floor the agent starts talking about the item in front of us. It's Ruby's slippers from wizard of Oz. I'm with Nathan and Penelope, Ray and Cade are close by but Dylan, Steph, Nat and Noah are nowhere to be found.

They're probably on a double date.

I laugh at the thought of that. Penelope isn't bad at all, she's really fun to be around. They're a lot of things she doesn't know though, which is really weird for a final year high school student, it's so funny the way she struggles with her words, and she's also nice.

Nathan is busy talking to us now but gets interrupted by the teacher who came along with us.

"Myers, can you tell us what the agent said about the item?" he wasn't expecting that at all, I'm trying my best not to laugh right now.

"The agent said that this item was brought here ..." he goes on,

He was actually correct, I could tell by the surprised look on our teacher's face. He even went to say what wasn't mention.

"But the agent forgot to mention that this item wasn't originally a sole property of this museum..."and zHe rants on.

I didn't know, Nathan was interested in museums,

"Quite a show off yeah?" I say,

"I just do my best to impress." he replies smirking.

I would have thought that he was referring to Penelope, but my mind went back to the talk with the girls, nahh they're just friends.

"Ray please delete the picture." Cade pleads,

Oh they're still on this, we all know that whenever Ray takes a picture, she never deletes it. I mean never ever, maybe that's why he keeps pestering her hoping that she'll come around, but I highly doubt it, plus we're used to his nagging.

"I'm not deleting it Cade, no one will see it." she says.

"That was what you told Noah!" he replies

There was this time she took a picture of Noah when he was eating in a disgusting manner.

"That wasn't my fault, it was Nathan's" she defends.

"He deserved it." Nathan adds after laughing.

"Please Ray," he continues

I'm so glad our museum tour was over now, we took a lot of pictures with Ray's camera, we're meant to be heading to another museum now, but fortunately, it's closed for some reasons, lucky us. We persuade the teacher to take us to an amusement park and he agreed so, here we are.

"Let's split up, that way, we'll have more things to talk about" Dylan says.

Please, you're purposely doing this because you want alone time with Steph.

"I'm with Nathan." Cade announces,

"But I don't want to go with you," Nathan complains.

We're just laughing at them,

"I'm with Penelope." I announce,

"Wow Ash, ditch us for the new girl" Nat says,

She still doesn't like the fact that Penelope's moving with us.

"You're going to ditch us for Noah anyway." I reply, it was the truth anyway.

"Well he's our friend!" she spits,

Not this again,

"Well, she's my friend!" I retort.

I really wish that they'll get along, but if they don't want to, it's totally fine, that's their business, but I'll do what I want to do. Nat just looks at me as if she doesn't believe the words that came out of my  mouth and she storms out, with Noah following behind her after shooting me a small smile. She'll come around, I know it, it'll just take time,

"Thank you," Penelope whispers beside me,

Well thank you for leaving it to me.

"What for?" I ask

"For standing up for me." she replies.

"That's what friends do." I say as I smile at her.

"I've never really had a real friend." she says with a soft expression,

That must have been sad.

"Well you have one now." I say and she smiles back at me.


I hear someone call out my name and I turn to see Tyler coming towards me.

What do you guys think Tyler wants to say?
And do you think Ash and Penelope will have a good time?

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