Chapter 24

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He gasps as I walk towards him.

"You look beautiful." He says, before opening the door for me.

"Thank you." I reply, "I'm just trying to make sure you don't change your mind to leave me and go play." I say, then step into the car.

"Hell no." He says then laughs a bit before closing the door. He turns around, to get into the car, then he starts it.

Tyler agreed to come pick me up for the match today by himself, even after telling him that it wasn't necessary he still insisted. I wanted to look my best for him, so I went an extra mile and dressed with the color of his team.

I notice the way his eyes flicker from the road to me occasionally, but it wasn't a comfortable one. He wasn't admiring me, he wanted to say something, and I wonder what it is.

"I didn't see you at school yesterday," he finally speaks up then looks at me before facing the road again.

Was that why he kept looking at me? He went to school yesterday? Why yesterday of all days?

I want to lie to him and tell him I wasn't feeling  good so I didn't go to school, but then I didn't want him to worry about my health. Although it was a lie, and besides there's nothing to hide, I didn't cheat on him or anything.

"I was with Nathan." I say, "He wanted to apologize to me so he didn't take me to school." I say without looking at him.

He stiffens his hands on the steering and I can see the anger in his eyes.

Why was he reacting this way, nothing happened.

"Why didn't you tell me?" He says through clenched teeth.

I didn't know I was meant to report my everyday activity to you.

Control yourself Ash.

"I didn't think it was important," I say trying to hide my annoyance.

"You spent like 7 hours of your day with another guy and you didn't think that was important?" He asks,

"Don't raise your voice at me Tyler." I warn,

He let out a deep breath "I'm sorry, I didn't mean to, I just don't want you spending so much time with other guys." He says rather softly.

Of all the things I could say these were the words that came out.

"So you're jealous?" I ask pushing away my anger and letting excitement take the better of me.

"No," he answers in denial.

"Oh okay no problem, That means you don't mind that Nathan and I go get ice cream after the match." I say,

Nathan doesn't even like ice cream.

"No, don't do that!" He says, and I burst out into laughter.

"You are jealous." I say,

"Yeah, whatever."

I can't help myself but smile. I go ahead to place my hands in his on the steering.

"Don't worry, I'm all yours." I say,

He raises my hand and kisses it, which widens my smile.

Few minutes later we arrive at school. Being the captain, he had to go meet his team and do basketball stuffs with them, I on the other hand had to look for my friends.

Noah calls me saying that Tyler had reserved the front seat for us so I'm headed there.

"You have quite the sport spirit," Nathan says laughing.

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