Chapter 25

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I dash forward running towards the fight. Not to bluff or anything, but I have this feeling that I'm the reason for the fight.

On reaching them, I made my way to the front. I know what's coming for me, but I'll rather have that, than see them hurt each other.

"Tyler, Tyler, Stop!" I yell trying to make him stop but to no avail.

"Nathan!" I call out again, but they're too engrossed with themselves, throwing punches at each other. They're going to hurt themselves real bad.

What should I do?

I go behind Tyler, trying to hold him but he refuses to let the fight end.

Honestly, I'm a bit disappointed

I thought in movies, when stuffs like this happen, the guy always calms down to his girlfriend's touch.

I move away from him, towards Nathan to try and do the same.

Why am I even trying so hard?

Well, because I feel guilty.

On getting to Nathan, he jerks his hand back, in order to throw a punch at Tyler, but I was too close to him and his elbow meets my nose.

I knew it was coming.

The pain spreads from my nose to my whole body, it's debilitating. My head aches at the same time, and I fall to the ground, shrieking in pain.

"Ash!" They say in sync and rush towards me,

"What are you guys looking at!" Tyler shouts at the crowd and they leave slowly.

"If you guys would have just stopped when I told you guys to, this wouldn't have happened!" I scold.

"Let her be Nathan." Tyler says throwing daggers through his eyes to Nathan. Nathan dismisses Tyler, and looks at me one last time before he leaves, looking sorry.

Tyler takes me to the nurse to check my nose, I really hope it's not broken. Well It's not bleeding, that's a good thing, I guess.

I'm given pain relieve but nothing relieves me more than the fact that I don't have a broken nose.

The nurse goes out to get more supplies to deal with Tyler, so we're left alone.

"I'm sorry I got into fight." He apologizes.

Of course you are.

"Why did you guys fight?" I ask,

"Nothing." He replies, I look at him in disbelief. He sighs and continues "Well, basically I was telling him to get the fuck away from you."

The guilt sets in once again.

"Well, I may have said some things to push him to the edge." He murmurs,

Nathan threw the first punch?

"I'm sorry," I say, It's all my fault.

"You don't have to be sorry, I was being a dick." He says.

"Yes, that's true." I say laughing, it catches him unaware but laughs with me, till he shrieks in pain.

"I'm sorry," I say softly.

The nurse returns to dress his wounds. Nathan really went all out on him. He has a bruised eye, which seems to hurt every time he blinks, a bruise by the side of his lips and knuckles.


He has a huge bruise by the left side of his stomach, which is bright red and slightly pale in the Centre. He constantly shrieks softly in pain, as the nurse takes care of him.

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