Chapter 28

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"Happy birthday princess!" My dad lifts me up into the air and spins me around while I giggle endlessly.

"Drop me down dad, I'm no longer a baby!" I protest afterwards. So I say but I'm dressed in a cute pink gown, a crown on my head and the ballet shoes my mom got as my present.

"You look really pretty today p, I should tell you that more often," Arch says smiling.

I was going to keep it in, but my dad couldn't hold back his laughter which makes me laugh out too.

"I knew you always had a soft side for me," I say smiling, making him roll his eyes but his smile still remains. "What do you want Arch?" I ask in between my laughter.

"What do you mean by that? I'm being sincere for the first time, and you think I'm only doing this cause I need something from you. You're hurting my feelings." He says with the fakest emotions I've ever seen in my 11 years on earth.

"Opportunity comes but once Arch," I reply not buying his act one bit.

He sighs "Fine, please don't waste too much time dressing your hair, I can't let dad do mine," He says laughing which makes me laugh too."

"Hey! What's wrong with me dressing your hair?" My dad retorts which makes us laugh even harder.

"And that'll be the last time you'll hear me say something like that," He says.

"Trust me, I know." I reply, "Now you're making me scared, it's as if you're about to die," I continue. He rolls his eyes, but smiles afterwards.

My mum comes into sight and pecks me on the cheek before proceeding to do my hair.

"I'll try to hurry up with your sister's hair so I can do yours," She says with a feathery voice and chuckles afterwards.

"Hey! I feel offended," My dad complains but we can't help but continue laughing.


I jolt up suddenly when I feel something fall on me, my eyes clear up to see Ray lying horizontally on top of me.

"Happy Birthday!" She says with an awkward smile.

"Get off me," I spit.

"Woah, someone woke up on the wrong side of the bed," She replies getting up.

"No I woke up with you on top of me," I say rolling my eyes and laughing.

"I told you going over her like that wasn't a good idea," Natalie says almost out of breath from laughing.

"If you would have just helped me get my phone this wouldn't have happened," She says glaring back at her.

"Jeez, so much tension here at such an early hour of the day," Steph says coming out of the bathroom.

"So what did you dream about Aurora?" She asks smiling creepily at me.

"First of all it's Ash, nothing much, just a peaceful and quiet place without disturbance from any of you." I say smiling back at her.

"Talk about a nightmare," Natalie says with a shiver.


The guys came to pick us up after breakfast, there was no way I was going to spend my day at home being all lonely. My parents have always been so extra, that's why there's going to be a black and white ball later today and I'm really not looking toward to it.

Tyler asked me out on a date but I turned him down and told him to come along with us instead, he complained obviously but agreed afterwards.

I'm riding along with Noah, Natalie and Tyler, while the rest are with Dylan, well except Nathan, who decided not to show up. It's a bit disappointing that he isn't here, but I know I'll see him at the ball. Him not being around will maybe makes me get my priorities straight.

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