Chapter 36

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I open the door to see my mum just by wall, her eyes are a little red and puffy and the back of her hair stood still, she rubs her palms on her dress while waiting for a reaction from me.
All in all, she looks like a mess and I assume she slept by the door while waiting for me to open the door.

She pulls me into a hug almost immediately, "You're still in same outfit of last night, you still haven't had a shower, you'll catch a cold." She says pulling away. I stare into her eyes till my vision begins to blur as tears fill my eyes "My real name isn't Ash isn't it?"

Her eyes widens in shock after hearing my question, but she composes herself before interlocking one hand with mine while using her other hand to wipe my tears.

"What do you mean? Of course your name is Ash." She replies naturally.

"I thought it was a dream... but but it was too real, I... I can't remember everything, but it came to me. I want to believe it was a dream, but my heart is aching so bad...I don't understand." I sob.

Tears begin to roll down her eyes as she tries to convince me with everything in her, "You're Ash, you're my baby girl."

"You're our daughter." My dad says pulling us into a hug, I didn't even realize he was there.

I want to believe them so bad, I wish I could just wipe my tears, go and have breakfast and move on with my life, but I know that my fantasy had come to an end. The life I was living wasn't mine.

"My real parents didn't abandon me. Everleigh Alexa Paige. T-that's my real name. Please j-just tell me the truth, I've had enough of the lies, please." I beg.

My dad sighs, "I really wished you would never remember."

"What are you taking about? She's our baby girl, she's my daughter. They left you, they really left you all alone." My mum denies, shaking her head is dismissal as if telling him not to speak up.

"It's okay honey, it's time to tell her, we promised to let her know if at all she remembers" my dad softly tells my mum. She sighs in defeats and looks at me with soft eyes filled with tears.

My dad leads us into my room and  I sit awkwardly on the bed waitingto listen to a confession that would change my entire life.

I braced myself, but that wasn't enough for what came. After hearing everything, I stagger out of the room ignoring my  parent's repeated call for me. I drive to Ray's house as that's the only place I can think of. I can't go to Natalie's because seeing Nathan is the last thing I want right now.

She opens the door a little while after I ring the door bell and I cry into her shoulders. "Sorry, I've soaked your top with my tears, can I come in?"

"That's the least of our problems right now, of course." She skeptically replies. Following me inside, she launches a lot of questions at me trying to find out what's going on. She sits me down on the couch and squats in front of me waiting for a reply.

"My life has been a lie Ray." I sob uncontrollably, and she gets up to console me. I try to think of the best way to summarize the whole thing. "I never had any disease that made me lose my memory, my real parents never abandoned me, I single handedly killed my whole family!" She pulls me close without saying a word and soon begins to even cry with me.

I pull away from her embrace and begin to help her wipe her tears. "Don't cry Ray, why are you crying?" I manage to make out words in between the sobs. I sniff repeatedly trying to hold back my tears.

"I'm sorry Ash, I'm so so sorry." She speaks up wiping my tears with the sleeves of her dress, "You don't deserve to go through this, and definitely not alone." She sniffs, "You didn't kill anyone Ash, please never say that, there's something I haven't told you, there's someone I want you to meet." She gets up immediately, leaving me alone in my thoughts.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 28 ⏰

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