Chapter 26

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"Can you guys not do this here? We're eating." Cade complains.

"Just focus on your food." Noah replies after laughing at our expressions.

Noah and Natalie have been sucking each other's face ever since we got to the table.

Don't they take a break?

"Natalie, do you know how many other tongues Noah has sucked?" Ray asks disgust showing all over her face.

"Don't think about it hun." Noah says trying to cover her ears.

"Imagine the other nasty things he has done with that tongue." Steph adds.

"Stephanie!" The couple say in sync.

Everyone bursts into laughter, I'm laughing so hard that my stomach hurts but I still can't stop. This is definitely the highlight of my day.

It's been days since the match and things still aren't back to the way they were. Tyler and Nathan are still at each other's throat, I can't help but feel that it's always been this way and I just didn't notice. I wonder what Tyler meant when he said some things to push him off the edge.

Today is one of those days of school, when nothing happens. It's been so boring. Even walking down the hallway to our classroom seems to take forever.

As if to make matters worse, Penelope and Wendy are walking towards us.

"What do you guys want?" Steph groans,

"We're not here for you, whore." Wendy replies.

"Excuse you?" Steph retorts stepping forward,

Ray immediately places her hand in front of Steph to stop her.

"She's not worth it." She says,

"Yeah, listen to the midget." Wendy sneers,

"She's 5'1." I say throwing daggers with my eyes. If the person you hate would explode 5 meters away from you, her blood and intestines would be all over the place.

Gross, but I wouldn't mind.

"We're actually here for you, Everleigh." Penelope says looking at me.


"Did you hit you head or something?" I ask clearly confused.

"Get out of our way before I make you." Natalie warns probably fed up with their nonsense.

"I can see you still don't know how to control that temper of yours." Penelope snaps.

"And you still can't put that brain of yours to use." Natalie retorts which makes us laugh.

I really don't know what her deal is. We continue to move forward.

"Why didn't you tell us you were adopted?" Penelope asks gripping me.

What? How did she...

I yank my hand away from her and try to keep my cool "I didn't know you were that interested in me." I say with a sly smirk.

I'm so proud of myself.

Seeing as it spites her, I let out a laugh.

"If you're so proud about it and have nothing to hide, why did you change your name?" She asks bringing out a paper from her bag.

"What's this? My birth certificate?" I joke. She rolls her eyes and hands the paper over,

It's a page from a year book.

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