chapter 17

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I woke up the next morning of that day, in a confused state, finding myself in the guys room sharing a bed with Noah, Dylan, and Steph. Nathan didn't let Noah sleep in with the girls because, he said he didn't want to see Noah make out with his sister.

It turned out they all had a feast without even bothering to wake me up, and the couple couldn't get more sly when they woke up to join the feast without waking me up, like how could they? Well that's far behind me now, they didn't stop begging me not stay angry at them. I couldn't ignore them, and plus, they looked so adorable.

When I got back home, my parents were so happy to see me in one piece, I don't know why they were so bothered anyway. Well that's that, it's Tuesday morning, back to school.

I hear the notification sound from my phone and I grab it to check it out, it's a text from Nathan. I had his number, but we never texted and he never called, I only kept it for emergencies.

"Right turn or a left turn? "

Am I seeing right?

"What?" I text back

"Can't you read? right turn or left turn to your house?"

Why is he bothering me so early in the morning, Natalie is right next to him he could ask her.

"All left." I reply,

He couldn't be any nicer, I  roll my eyes.

I'm already prepared so I head downstairs, to get breakfast, the usual morning notes, I don't even bothering reading it this time. I just get the juice out of the fridge, and settle down to eat.

"I thought you only ate pancakes for breakfast." Nathan says as he sits on the table staring at my halfway eaten waffles.

I'm still wondering why your arrival wasn't announced.

"Where's Natalie?" I ask, looking around for her, after a while had passed.

"You got me all yourself today, Straw." He says as he takes a sip from my glass.

"What?" I ask in horror,

"So here's the thing, our dear friends got food poisoning, from the food you missed the other night." He says as he laughs at my expression "Well, aren't you grateful now?"

Not really, now I wish I had joined them.

"How come you didn't get food poisoning?" I ask, "Wait everybody?"

"You're actually hurting my feelings Straw, I said it already, I'm all yours for the day." He says, then gets up gesturing for us to leave.

This can't be happening.

"Do we have to go to school? We could just stay with them, they'll need our help." I say.

I really don't want to be alone at school with Nathan, it'll steer up a lot if gossips. Not that I'm not used to it but, what if Tyler shows up? Then It'll get all awkward. He was already worried about me and Nathan, seeing us together alone would just add to his suspicions, and I want nothing like that to happen. Let's not even forget about Nathan's behaviour, he'll just make everything weird.

"Straw, they're fine, let's go." He says pulling me along with him, leaving no room for my protest.

He was the one bugging me to leave school with him the other day, now he's pulling me to school with him.

As I said, the gossips starts, this is really normal to me, being popular doesn't come easy. I know there are majority of people who do not like me and Natalie, I still don't get why I'm in the picture, but then, it's the way it is. Everyone can't like you anyway, I don't give two fucks about them anyway.

The news of Nathan kissing Penelope was probably everywhere now, and people are probably thinking they're dating. If I was walking alone with any of the other guys, it would just be considered as us being best friends, but it isn't a secret that myself and Nathan don't relate very well, okay let me rephrase, that I don't relate well with him.

So right now people are saying things like

"Isn't he Penelope's boyfriend?"

"Did they breakup up already?"

"Are they together?"

Stuffs like that, but it doesn't really matter though, no one is bold enough to say anything to our faces.

He escorts me to my locker, then drops me up in my classroom, it was really unnecessary though but he insisted.

My classes were okay, I didn't feel too lonely because I had other people to talk to. I'm having English class now and Penelope's in it, and she won't stop glaring at me. I really want to tell her that her boyfriend is the one dragging me in between them and I wasn't really part. I'm not scared of her, she's my friend I'll really like to clear any misunderstandings.

She walks over to me, now that the class is over, she's with Wendy, I really dislike the girl.

"Hey Penelope," I say.

"Hey Ash," she replies, but doesn't seem so excited to see me.

"Are we good?" I ask,

"Yes sure," she says, "Where's Nate? I haven't seen him since, I heard you've been with him all morning." she continues,

I've had classes all morning.

"He brought me to school, if you come with me, I can take you to him." I say,

Gosh I sound so weak.

She nods and follows me.

I wasn't planning on going to the cafeteria today, but I guess I'll have to. I don't see Nathan anywhere though, I contemplate on texting him, but then I sight him heading our way. He's alone and my mind wanders to Tyler, I haven't seen him since did he come to school today, is he also sick?

"Nate!" Penelope calls out, then walks over to him and kisses him.

I've seen enough of them kiss already, I fight the urge to roll my eyes because now people were watching. Penelope had managed to get everybody's attention with her little display. It was  pretty obvious Nathan wasn't expecting that.

"I've missed you, I called but you didn't pick up my calls." she says,

Were they actually in a relationship?

"I was watching Natalie, she's sick." he explains,

I'm surprised at why I'm still  standing here.

"I'm sorry, about that," she says with a sad face.


"I just thought, you were busy with her," She says looking at me like I was some piece of trash.

Watch your attitude girl!

"She's being a clingy bitch. I wasn't insecure or anything, I know you'll choose me over her anytime." she says,

What the hell?
Where did this new confidence come from?
I thought we were friends.

On a normal basis I won't think twice before I trash her but I don't want it to look like I'm fighting over him.

It's obvious I had over stayed my welcome, I'll end up being the fool at the end of the day, so I turn to leave.

But I stop, when I hear the words he utters

"If anyone is being anything of what you said, it's definitely you and I'll pick her over you anytime."

What the fuck just happened?

Guys did you see that? He stood up for her that's so cute, well that's what I think, what do you think?

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