chapter 2

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I still think the worst mistake I made in my life was showing up in school because of a guy. After being totally embarrassed, I had to actually become a student and the worst part of all, is that he isn't even there anymore.

I get up to have my bath and get ready for school. The events of summer break clouds my mind, after the whole fire incident, the boys kept laughing at me and bugging me saying I was scared of fire. Which of course I totally ignored.

After getting ready I head downstairs and go straight to the kitchen where I see a note by the fridge which reads

"Something came up honey, I prepared breakfast for you have fun today, we love you."

I'm totally used to them leaving before I wake up and leaving me a note by the fridge. I pull it off the fridge, squeeze it and throw it inside the dustbin.

Well on the bright side, the house isn't totally empty, It's filled with so many workers considering the large size of my house. I take my time eating my breakfast while waiting for Noah. I don't have a car yet since I'm not of age and I don't like riding with the driver so, my beautiful lovely friends volunteered to take turns to be my ride. Noah would be here anytime so, I try to rush up my breakfast

"Miss Ash your ride is here" The butler says. He's way older than me so I don't see why he should serve me. I've told him numerous times to call me Ash and that I could do things myself but he never listens. He's also kinda cool

"Thank you Mr Carter," I shoot him a smile.

"Just call me Carter," he adds,

"Just call me Ash." I say standing up to leave, I can tell he's smiling at my childishness.

Noah's ash Ferrari is to die for, and considering the fact that, he made it that colour because of me, makes me love it even more .

"Hey baby girl," he greets as I get in,

"Hey Noah," I reply with a smile and the rest of the ride was an epic rap battle between us leaving me as the all time champion.

Soon after, we reach the huge, familiar, building,  painted in cream which makes it admirable and beautiful. People are found at every corner, interacting, probably catching up with their summer events. I wish it was really as entertaining as it appears. It's the place I dread the most. School.

Noah, being a gentleman, escorts me to my locker and talks to Ray before he takes his leave. We catch up on things while waiting for Nat who arrives shortly after.

"You drove alone or you came along with Nathan?" Ray asks as Nat arranges her locker.

"For some strange reason, he wanted to ride along with me" she answers.

Nat is the eldest of the twin, she's extremely mean while Nathan on the other hand doesn't care much about anything. They're almost Identical in looks and they've got everyone tripping.

The three of us have our first class together 'history' like who made the time table.

Senior year please treat me well.

I can't really tell how the class went cause I wasn't paying attention, but it didn't take too long , which is a good thing. We still have two classes before lunch, I have the second one with Ray, Caleb and Noah and the third one alone.

The class I had alone, was really scary. Okay I'm exaggerating, it was actually not bad, the lecturer was kind of fun.

We meet up at our locker after and head to the cafeteria.

Natalie is the nicest girl I've ever met, her smile lightens up the room, she's always so cheerful, that at times I wonder what goes on in her head. She's like a child who always has her candy with her.

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