Chapter 27

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"So you're going to be ditching us for this Peyton guy?" I ask looking disappointed.

"Sadly, but not so much, yes." Ray replies holding our hands, trying to convince us.

"But I still don't believe you started dating this guy without even telling us." Natalie says leaning back into the bed.

"It's not as if I didn't want to tell you guys, I just didn't want to jump into conclusions and tell you guys what I wasn't sure about." Ray explains.

"You weren't sure if you were dating him?" I ask still trying to get her point.

"No, not that, I wasn't sure of how I felt towards him, and I wanted him to meet you guys but he always has something doing." She replies,

"Then you would have told us, we could have understood." Natalie replies dramatically almost pushing me off her lap.

I immediately use the bed to steady myself and she gives me an apologetic smile.

"You kept us out of everything going on in your life and now, today of all days, you decide to tell us," I pause "It's the 23rd," I add dramatically.

"I know, I know I just wanted to handle everything on my own." She spins the swivel then moves forward till she's directly in front of us.

"I know it's the 23rd Ash, and I'm really sorry that, I have to go today," She says holding my hands.

"Gosh, you look so love struck." Natalie groans, which makes us laugh.

"What did I miss?" Steph asks.

Her voice comes immediately with the sound of the opening door. She heads towards us with her friendly smile as usual greets us and lays on the bed.

"Nothing much, just that Ray is ditching us to go on a date with Peyton," I say laying back on Natalie's thighs.

"Who's Peyton?" She asks looking confused and turns her attention to Ray.

Ray immediately picks up her phone to read a text then gets up.

"You shouldn't be late to Mrs Holidays place. Please send my regards," She says rushing out.

Talk about perfect timing.

"He's her boyfriend," Natalie replies.

"Boyfriend?" She asks with wide eyes.

"We didn't know about it too," I say laughing while sitting up.

"She set up the arrangement for today but now, she'll be leaving is to do it all on our own." I groan

"Well, if it makes you feel better I invited the boys," Steph says.

"You're always a step ahead aren't you?" Natalie jokes.

"Of course," She replies and winks.

Today is going to be a long day.

I get up to put on perfect clothes for today, something very light, because I'll need all the fresh air I can get. We then head outside to wait for the guys.

We've never needed the guys before to help us out. I sigh.

"There's always room for a change." Natalie says softly and smiles at me.

"Did I just say that out?" I ask,


"Yes." They contradict themselves.

I'll stick with Steph, I did say that out.


"I can't believe you guys are dragging us into this whole tradition of yours," Noah complains as he drives.

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