chapter 16

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"Hey starfire," Cade greets blocking the entrance, and I laugh at his childishness.

"Hey Cade, now excuse me." I say,

He does so and goes back into the room back to the couch, I follow him and sit next to him.

Ray and Natalie walk straight to meet Steph who's seated with Dylan.

"I don't want it to seem like I was talking behind your back, I said you're sly girl." Ray reports herself.

"Dylan, you know I love you like a brother and I want the best for you, even if you don't agree with me, she isn't the one for you." Natalie jokes pointing at Steph who can't hold in her laughter.

"She's ashamed of you, who knows if she's not cheating on you, it could even be with Ash's boyfriend." She gasps then places her hands over her mouth.

Such a drama queen.

"Look at her, isn't she so sweet?" Noah says, as he goes to meet Nat and hugs her from behind.

"You call that sweet? She's everything but sweet, she's very mean." I say trying to knock Noah out of his trance.

He just shoots me a smile and continues with her.

"Ash has a boyfriend?" Cade asks beside the drama that's taking place.

"Not yet." Rays speaks before I could reply, Cade still looks confused but he doesn't push it any further.

Dylan gets up along with Steph and then pats Natalie on the head.

"Yes, she's sweet." he says smiling.

Excuse me? What's wrong with everyone's mood?

Then he moves to the bed and they cuddle up.

"Get a room man, I mean another room!" Noah sneers,

This is so hilarious.

"Where's my brother?" Natalie asks,

We couldn't miss his existence.

"He didn't tell us where he was going." Cade says.

I can't help but wonder if he's somewhere making out with Penelope, I shake my head, shaking the thoughts away. The door opens shortly after, and I'm relieved to see the familiar gorgeous structure walk in, his hair is messy, which takes my mind back to Penelope. His eyes scan the room taking all of us in, then a scowl forms on his face.

"I expected you to be the more mature one here Dylan, if you're distracted who's watching over the boys and the room, plus the girls?" he says,

"I'm offended, Nathan, what do you mean by that?" Noah asks in a playful manner, Cade joins him as they act like they're married with children.

"That he's probably the only one capable of making sure you guys don't do anything stupid while I'm away." he says.

"You're the one that needs watching." Natalie says in between her laughter "Where did you go and what's up with your hair?" she asks,

"I look breathtaking right?" he says with a smile forming on his lips "I went to think, it's wind isn't taking it lightly." he continues.

He wasn't with Penelope, I feel relieved,

What is wrong with me?

"Are you going for the party straw?" He asks, after getting comfortable on another couch.

"You can't seem to not think about me can you?" I joke.

"As a mater of fact, no." He teases,

Why did I do that anyway?

"Ash is probably going with her boyfriend" Cade says,


He arch's an eyebrow.

"Tyler?" He asks,

"He's not my boyfriend!" I protest,

"Not yet." Ray says again, she's really enjoying this.

Why do I care what he thinks anyway, he kissed Penelope in front of everyone,

For fuck sake what is my problem?

"I'm not going for the party." I finally say.

"You never go for parties Starfire, just come for this one." Cade begs with puppy dog eyes.

I really don't like the crowd, I'll rather stay away from drunk, sweaty strangers.

"I'm sorry Cade, I can't make it." I say giving him a small smile, he smiles back at me, he's all sunshine and rainbows, so adorable.

The door opens slowly to reveal Penelope, with a big smile plastered on her face. She greets us but her face turns into a frown when she see's Nat, but she dismisses her, she's here for Nathan.

"Nate, I was wondering if you were still down for the party?" She asks, looking all pretty and all, I scoff, she's asking him out.

"Sorry, I changed my mind" he says giving her a small smile.

"Why?" Disappointment spreads all over her face.

"Because of her." He says and point at me.

He has definitely lost it.

"You're not going for the party because she's not going?" she asks still trying to comprehend what she's hearing and he nods in agreement. She turns her attention to me and she doesn't give me the the friendly look, I can see the anger in her eyes, then she storms away like an angry five years old child. Nathan is going to be the death of me.

"I think you're being too obvious man." Noah says as his eyes flicker from Nathan to me.

I don't know what Noah's talking about, or what Nathan is doing but this is really getting out if hand, he shouldn't put me in the middle of his drama with his girlfriend.

"What was that all about?" I ask, sounding harsher than I intended.

"The truth." He answers staring right at me. This seems pretty normal to everyone, but not me. I'm actually low key pissed but I can't find words for him, and I can't help but feel like it looks like I'm star struck.

"Let's leave this hotel tonight, take a tour of the city and have fun." He says tearing his gaze away from me.

"I'm down." Nat says too quickly,

I'm just a shocked that she isn't making a deal out of what just happened and I really appreciate it. They all agree and are getting ready to leave.

"I don't think it's a good Idea." I say, I've lost my mood anyway, I'm not in. The last thing I want is to get in trouble when we return and plus anything can happen, I don't want more reasons for my parents to worry.

"You have to take risks sometimes, Straw." He says, I know he's not holding back this time, so I'm left with Dylan and Steph.

"Be safe." I say as they leave

"You're already grumpy, you don't have to be old too." Nathan continues and I find myself laughing.

After what seem like forever has passed, they still haven't come back, and the two idiots I was left with, went away to dreamland, worry bubbles inside of me, but sleep takes over.

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