Chapter 20

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He's standing at the end of the stairs as if he's waiting to take me to prom. I'm trying my best to focus and get down the stairs without making a fool out of myself, but that's the opposite of what just happened. I miss a step just as I'm about to reach the end and trip, but he catches me. I've never been so clumsy.

"You look beautiful." He says still holding me.

"Thank you," I reply slightly embarrassed, then try to get off him but he doesn't let me.

"Be my girlfriend?" he asks,

I can't believe he's asking me in a situation like this.

"I'm not letting you go, till you give me an answer." he continues,

This can't be seriously happening yeah?

"Yes." I say, then he smiles and let me stand properly.

He puts my hand in his and leads me outside, immediately we step out of the house he leans in and kisses me

"I wanted to do that inside, but your butler," he says looking a bit shy.

He's so cute.

"Let's go." I say letting out a small laugh.

We arrive at a small field with a tree house at the side, there's a lake close by and it's a really pretty sight.

"I didn't know where to take you, and I didn't want to blow up everything so I just decided to bring you here, if you don't like it we can leave." he says, rubbing his neck.

Is he kidding me?

"This place is beautiful, I like it." I say smiling widely at him.

"I built it myself. "

"Seriously?" I ask

"Not literally, I designed it myself " he says, then laughs "Honestly, I designed it for someone, but she never got to see it." He says looking down at ground "I don't want to hide anything from you" he continues softly.

"It's fine." I say trying to hide the pain I feel inside.

That's a bummer, I knew I wasn't his first love or anything, but it still hurts with him rubbing it in my face.

At least he's being honest.

He smiles at me and takes my hand, insisting that we should climb

"Did I mention that I was scared of heights?" I say,

"You won't fall, if you do, I'll catch you." he replies, then laughs a bit.

Oh he thinks it's funny? It's all his fault that I fell in the first place. I can't imagine what would have happened if he didn't catch me. I agree and he follows right behind me.

It's really pretty, I can't believe he designed it himself. It smells like wood, well I expected that, but it's not suffocating, there's a rug on the floor, and the place feels so warm. It's your typical tree house alright, but it's really nice.

"Wow." I say,

"I'm glad you like it."

He ordered pizza and drinks so he went to pick it up.

"Seriously Tyler, pizza?" I say arching an eyebrow, "You know how selective I am with what I eat."

"Yeah whatever, it's your favorite." he says then opens the first box

I arch an eye brow again, when I see the flavor meatzaa?

"Not this one, sorry." He laughs then he opens the other box.

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