Chapter 21

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Coming home late at night yesterday wet, left my parents worried, but I was on cloud nine through out.


Well that got my senses back. I was going to spend dreadful hours of school in detention with Nathan.

Great, just great.

"We'll wait for you guys after school." Cade says smiling, then I mouth I love you to him.

"It can't be that hard." Ray adds,

I shoot her a glare and she laughs.

"How was your date with Tyler yesterday?" Noah asks,

"It was fine, but it's not the right time to discuss that." I reply.

"You guys worry too much, we're going to have fun." Nathan says as he puts a hand over my shoulders.

"That's the spirit!" Nat says then laughs a bit, then they all leave us.

"Fun?" I ask glaring at Nathan and he shrugs.

Well I wasn't expecting this at all, when we were told to clean up the old hall room, I imagined it to be an empty hall, where we'll just have to maybe use a mop. No wonder we were given masks.

The whole place is filled up with stuffs, they're boxes everywhere, cobwebs at every corner. The place is dusty and it smells like dirty sport socks. I can't start to imagine the amount of bugs in this place.

I just stand at the entrance looking dumbfounded, while Nathan enters inside to open the curtains.

"The smell would be gone in no time." He says coming back to take me inside.

"Look at the bright side, Buttercup."

"Sorry?" I ask, he can't be serious,

"But-ter-cup." He says slowly, "I was thinking of changing what I call you, and it fits your personality a whole lot."

"Power puff girls?" I ask with amusement, trying my best to keep in my laughter.

He doesn't say anything he just keeps a neutral expression.

"I have a name, you know?"

"I know, but I can't call you what everybody calls you, I have to stand out, I'm a very rare specie."

Yeah sure, I can't hold in the laughter anymore. I learn new things about Nathan everyday, I wonder how he kept his bad boy reputation he's so adorable. We might be closer now, but I know better not to say it out, it didn't go well the last time I did something like that and I don't want to ruin the good mood between us.

"What's the bright side?" I ask still standing at the entrance, after my laughter dies down.

"We'll get to know more about each other." He says as he comes towards me and pulls me in and I reluctantly follow.

"I know enough about you." I say,

"Trust me, you know nothing." he says, "What's my favorite food? He asks, stopping when we're halfway into the room.

"Seriously?" I chuckle. He doesn't say anything but gestures for me to go on with his hands. "Pancakes?"

"That's your favorite food."  He complains and I laugh.

"I mean you make really good pancakes so it could be that." I defend laughing a little harder at the disappointment on his face.

"It's pasta and meatballs, emphasis on the meatballs."

"Noted, so stop frowning." I say in between my full blown laugh. "We'll get to Know more about ourselves yay!" I add.

"That sounds really sarcastic." He says, but smiles softly either ways."I'll clear the cobwebs you should arrange the boxes." He continues.

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