chapter 15

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I wake up and check the time with my phone, it's just 4 in the morning, I had the same dream again, the one with the crying child, I wish I was home so I could talk to my mum about it. I get up to go outside to get fresh air and think, the girls are sleeping peacefully, I realize that I haven't seen Natalie since yesterday at the pool, I wonder where she was.

"I'm surprise you're up." A voice says from the other side of the balcony, Dylan.

"Dude, you scared me!" I say putting a hand on my chest, and doing the breathing exercise. He laughs,

"I'm sorry, can't sleep?" He asks, I sigh

" I had a dream," I pause,

"It's the second time, as if it was slowly revealing itself to me." I say,

"What was it about?" He asks, looking concerned.

"There was a little girl, and she was crying, in the first dream, she was alone in a dark place, but this time, I could understand the reason for her tears." I pause, "She had just lost her whole family, due to a fire outbreak, and just like the first time, I can remember every part of the dream, but, I couldn't see the child's face, but it feels so familiar." I say looking at him.

"Do you think it's you?" he asks, "Can you remember anything about her? Like the colour of her hair for example." He continues,

"I don't know, black, brown, I really didn't take note, I've thought about me being me, but," I pause,

"But?" He asks, telling me to go on, I sigh,

"It doesn't make any sense, If I was with my parents at that age, I don't see why that happened, and if it was important, they would have told me." I say,

"Don't sweat it, it's just a dream." He says, trying to take my mind off it. "Maybe you can see the future, and that's going to happen soon and you'll be the one to save her." He says and I burst out in laughter,

"Seriously Dylan!" I say, he shrugs and laughs "What about you, can't sleep?" I continue.

"Yeah, I've been trying to ever since, so I came out to watch the stars from this side," he says looking upwards and I follow his gaze.

"It's beautiful," I say.

That reminds me,

"I didn't see you yesterday, after I went to my room," I say,

"Yeah, I was with Natalie, we were just talking." He says, Dylan kind of has a gift, he's the best person to talk to sometimes,

"Oh," I say.

"He doesn't like her that much." he says,

"Huh?" I ask, what is he talking about?

"Nathan, doesn't like Penelope in that way." He explains,

Well he kissed her,

It wasn't even my business.

"Yeah, sure." I say,

"I heard what happened between you two." He says wriggling his eyebrows, with amusement in his eyes.

"Nothing happened." I say as I go back into my room and I can hear him laugh.


It's still early and the girls are still sleeping. I can't seem to fall asleep again, so I go and wash up then play games on my phone. It's around 9am now and the girls are up,

"Natalie, I haven't seen you since yesterday at the pool side." I say, which earns me a smile from her

"Missed me?" she asks,

"Nope, I only noticed this morning, when I saw you sleeping." I say plainly, and she throws a pillow at me, which makes me laugh.

"Yeah, sure, you were too busy with my brother to think of me." She says, smirking at me,


"Natalie!" I yell, and she laughs.

"Nate was teasing you, I wonder what's going on in his head." she says,

"Maybe he's using you as a test monkey, preparing for Penelope." Ray says, hanging upside down from the couch, and we stare at her,

"What? We're all trying to figure out what's going on in his head." She defends.

"I was with Dylan yesterday." Nat informs me, Steph glares at her, but a quick one not wanting anybody to notice.

"I saw that Steph." I laugh,

"Me too," Ray joins in.

"I didn't do anything." She defends, Ray explains what happened to Natalie.

"I'm not stealing your boyfriend, we were just talking." She says, with an amused expression.

"I don't know what you guys are talking about " she lies,

"Are you guys like official now?" Ray asks sitting upwards now,

"Not yet." she says smiling at us,

I wasn't surprised with their progress, it was no secret to us that Steph liked him too.

"Not yet." Natalie mimics her. Then Steph gets up to exit the room.

"Where are you going?" Ray asks her

"Just outside." she says casually,

"You're going to see Dylan aren't you?" I ask raising an eyebrow,

"No I'm not." she says and rushes out of the room,

"Definitely." Natalie answers for her in her absence.

"Such a sly girl." Ray laughs, as she stands up and walk to the fridge to get water

"So what happened in your alone time with Tyler?" She asks,

"Did you guys, kiss? Was he confessing his feelings?" She rants on.

"Chill out girl," I say and I smile at her, "Yes, all that happened, and he asked me to be his girlfriend." I continue,

"Shut up! No way," Natalie says from besides me and slaps my arm,

"Ouch!" I protest, but she just laughs.

"So you guys are dating now?" Ray asks as he moves to squeeze herself between us.

"Nope, I told him I needed time." I say, and that knocks the excitement off their faces.

"Like three years wasn't long enough," Natalie says.

"I didn't want to look desperate." I say, I know they'll understand.

"Well you waited for three years, he'll have to wait for like two to three more days, it's a bit fair," Rays says.

"Let's go pay the boys a visit, I kind of miss my brother." Natalie says,

You what? We just stare at her,

"What?, if you stay away from your twin for so long, you'll lose your sense of reasoning." she says,

She starts laughing, "Seriously I miss the boys." she continues,

"Have fun, send my greetings." I say, and lay down, pretending to sleep and they start to laugh at me.

I don't know what's so funny.

"You can't hide forever." Ray says,

"Who said anything about hiding?" I say as I turn the other way, before, I know what's happening I feel my body hit the cold floor.

"Ouch! Now I'm having body pains, I can't get up." I complain,

"Let's go." Natalie nags kicking me softly continuously,

"Fine fine."

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