Chapter 35

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"No fucking way? Are you seriously saying no fucking way, Nathan?" I start, "You say I'm just your sister's best friend one minute, and the next, you tell me that you genuinely care about me. You go out of your way to get things done for me, comfort me when I cry, try to kiss me, show up at my house unexpectedly and now you say no fucking way?" I scoff.

You have to be fucking kidding me.

He looks at me softly without uttering a word.

Of all the things Nathan has done or said to hurt me, nothing compares to this moment, I don't think I've ever felt so hurt in my life. My heart feels like it's going explode, the tightness in my chest leaves me feeling suffocated all over again.

"Stop the car!" I command.

"Ash, please, it's pouring heavily, let me take you home, we're almost there." He pleads.

"I get it now." I laugh, tears running down my face, "You're just nice.  You've always been nice, and not just to me, to everyone. How stupid of me." I laugh placing my hand over eyes.

"Ash, I..."

"Stop the fucking car Nathan!" I scream forcing the door open and he moves to the side of the road and stops.

I come out of the car without looking back, walking as far as I can away from him. The heavy rain drenches me immediately and shivers spreads round my body.

I'm suddenly pulled by my hand.

"I can't just let you leave like that, at least take the car instead." He says handing the car keys over to me. I just stare blandly at him, why is he out in the rain with me? Now I think about it, he hasn't even tried apologizing, but it's better that way, if he did I would have fully lost my sanity.

"I'm done being your charity case." I catch the hurt look in his eyes before walking away and I call my driver immediately to come pick me up.

It would take about 20 minutes to walk down to my house, and about 5 minutes in a car. If I had just stayed put, we would have arrived at my house in no time, but I'll rather drop dead than stay with him after that.

I walk for a bit trying to clear my thoughts while the rain pours down on me but, to no avail. It doesn't take long before my driver arrives. Getting into the car I pick up my phone to call Natalie.

"Noah will you shut the fuck up, I'm trying to talk to Ash! Hey baby, have you gotten home?" I hear her say immediately after picking up.  I don't reply for a while trying to compose myself. "Ash, is everything okay with you? Answer me, or is this a butt dial?" She continues.

I take a deep breath "I... I... don't know what to do" I stutter and the tears I've been trying to hold in comes running down again. "Maybe he was just being nice, and I was getting excited over nothing." I sob.

She pauses for a while then curses under her breath before replying, "Ash, please I need you to calm down, just have your bath or something and I'll come over right now, just wait for me."

I hear movement on her side implying that she's about to leave. "Please don't come over. I want to be on my own. I just felt I should tell you." I reply wiping my tears.

"What do you mean I shouldn't come over?" She protests.

"Please... I'll be fine." I insist trying to steady my breath.

She sighs "First thing tomorrow, please stop crying, I'll call later to check up on you." She gives in.

"Hmm, bye." I reply. After hearing her say her goodbye, I switch off my phone. The driver says something about bringing an umbrella before coming down from the car and only then do I realize that I'm at home already.

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