Chapter 22

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I've had it enough with people using this against me, it's not my fault that I lost my memory. I wasn't going to let it slide, I was beyond pissed.

"It's so pathetic that you're getting pissed off because I can't remember your ex lover," I say. I must have gone a little too far there, but I wasn't backing out.

His eyes flashes with anger, he clenches his jaw, but he lets it out. His eyes are replaced with softness and something else I can't quite figure out.

"I'm sorry," He says, then he pulls me to sit down back on the pile of boxes. "I don't know what came over me, I didn't mean to say that to you," He continues.

His eyes holds nothing but sincerity, and I feel my anger slowly fading away. "What's so good about the past anyways? I wish I could forget mine." He says.

I know he's trying to make me feel better, but at the same time I know it goes deeper than that. "It's not that easy Nathan," I manage to say.

"All that matters is now, everyone I love is here and I have you," He says then faces me and stares into my eyes.

So he doesn't love me?

No that's not what I mean.

"Why am I separated?" I tease even though it means much more to me.

"Cause you're here." He answers,

That still doesn't justify anything.

"We should continue." He says,

I didn't know he liked working so much, jeez, I'm tired.

"Since you're so happy working, why don't you help a friend out?" I say with a very wide smile.

"Your smile is creepy, and get down before I carry you down myself." He demands.

"Jeez, calm down, I'll continue." I scowl, as I hop down then he smiles at me. I'm about to hit him by the head as I follow behind him, but he turns around. I wave at him because my hand was up in the air awkwardly, he gives me a confused look but goes back to his cleaning.

Nice going Ash!

Okay this time we were almost done, well with the boxes and the cobwebs, the whole place still smells like dust, I'm so glad I have the mask on if not I'll have a running nose by now and it'll be so embarrassing.

"Do you want me to come for the match?" He asks,

"Yeah sure." I say without thinking too much about his question "Will you come help me raise this box up? I can't carry it alone." I plead.

He moves to come and help me. Honestly, he's the one doing the work, I'm just holding on to the edge, pretending like the awful weight of the box is crushing me and I can't help but laugh.

"What's so funny?" He asks, I don't say anything, I just shake my head in denial. When we drop the box, he moves to the far end of the room.

"What are you doing?" I ask,

"Come, there's something I'd like to show you," he says, I listen and move towards him. There's a grand piano in front of him and he's seated on the bench.

Wow, this room has all sort of things.

"You play?" I ask, he smiles then start to move his hands along the keyboard keys. "Is that Caridad?" I ask in between my laughter "How old are you?" I ask. My dad plays the exact thing whenever he was idle at home, he knew it so well and didn't even miss a single note.

He ignores me but ends up laughing,

He's a total show off.

"I'm multi talented," He says radiating pride.

"Well you're not the only one who has something to show off," I say. Caridad might be old school but it's one of the best for salsa.

I put my hair in a messy bun, then I start dancing according to the rhythm of the music. I place my left foot forward, then step back on my right foot transferring my weight to it, then I return my left foot back then I do the same with my right foot.

I move around the place dancing, it's been a long time since I was able to dance salsa, and just like the way he looked at me while I danced at the pool the other day, he did the same today. He was so talented that, he could still play so well without his eyes on the keyboard.

"Dance with me?" I ask,

"No thank you," he says without taking his eyes off me but smiles a bit. He finally stops and I end my performance with a bow, which makes him laugh. His eyes close as his chin covers them, his hair dangles almost to his eyes and he looks breath taking. It's the first time we've got to spend so much time together alone and I feel safe, warm and happy.

"You should get your hair straightened, it'll look good on you." I say out of the blue.

I face slap myself internally, you and this mouth of yours!

A shocked expression appears on his face but goes away and his lips form into a smirk "You were definitely checking me out." He says.

I'm too embarrassed to say anything, I just turn my face away, turning my back to him.

"You have a habit of turning away when you blush." He says and my eyes open up in realization. So true. I turn and open my mouth to speak, but noting comes out, well that's unfortunate.

"When I told Tyler you had feelings for him, I wasn't trying to make a fool out if you." He says,

"Then what?" I reply,

He doesn't say anything this time, but actually, I really don't care. I'm fine with the way things are now and I won't want to change anything.

"It's fine." I say, "I'm tired, can we leave already? We'll finish it up tomorrow" I continue. He nods then gets up to follow me out.

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