chapter 6

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The week went by quick and I'm just glad my first week was fun and over. I haven't told them yet, about what happened between me and Penelope that day, but I didn't fail to mention how she stood her ground and talked back to Nathan.

I don't like hiding anything from them, but I couldn't get myself to tell them the reason why she transfered to our school and besides, it wasn't my story to tell.

Nat kept talking about how she dislikes her, although she doesn't know why and how Penelope didn't know her place, not that I disagree with her, but she laughed along with the rest of us and was pretty amazed  at the fact that another person apart from myself, talked back to Nathan.

Noah kept mocking him saying him saying that it was fate, well obviously I joined him on that. Nathan wasn't affected at all, he just laughed at us. Which I found disgustingly charming.

Cade ended up going with Noah to the party, but not as his boyfriend though, every time I remember their display, I always end up laughing.

Penelope and Nathan seemed to be getting along quite well, he even has a nickname for her Blondie. He has a thing for calling people by their hair colour, the same way he calls me straw, because I'm strawberry blonde, which still doesn't make sense to me though.

I'm 100 percent sure that she has fallen in love with him, it doesn't take long, and also thinks he feels the same way. I feel sorry for her though, but again, anything is possible. He might just like her too. I cringe at the thought of that.

In my family, we usually have this Sunday tradition, where we prepare our meals by ourselves, eat together and talk, catching up with the weeks activities. They won't be around the following day, so we're doing it today. I thought they'll just cancel it but it turns out, they didn't and I'm grateful.

I love them so much, I don't know what I'll do without them. They're like my shoulder angels, telling me what to do and what not to do.

My room door opens quietly,

"Get ready honey, I'm going down to bring out the food stuffs." My mum informs me.

She's wearing a medium length gown showing off her beautiful skin, which reflects her hazel eyes, she's really beautiful. We're about the same height. If we looked alike, we would be mistaken as sisters.

I had never once felt out of place with them although I was adopted. They made me feel so loved and that's the main reason I never bothered finding anything about my real parents. They're late anyway, I guess that was Karma's way of paying them back for abandoning me. The only thing I feel towards them is hatred.

I was adopted at the age of 7 and by then I had a brain disease which led to amnesia. I'm pretty sure that my real parents couldn't take care of me so they put me up for adoption. My mom told me that I took various medicine, and had undergone many check ups and was about to undergo an operation when I miraculously got cured at the age of 13. It was hard for me to believe it myself.

God couldn't have been more merciful.

"Sure thing mum." I get up to wash up then put on something comfortable and head downstairs.

I hug my dad who's already in the kitchen, we put on our aprons and we start by washing the fresh ingredients. I'm assigned to cut the vegetables, my mum is doing the actual cooking and my dad is pretty much only helpful in tasting, but he's still not allowed to leave the kitchen. We're making pasta's, chicken, meatballs and  pancakes. Weird combination.

We set the table and sit to eat. My dad leads us in prayer...Amen. We dig in, no matter how fun the week has been, this always tops it all.

"So how was your week honey?" My mum asks first. We're already rounding up with our meals

"It was fine, but I still wish I wasn't actually going to school. There's this new transfer student, and Mr Parker assigned me as her guardian, saying I was the most trust worthy person he could think of. You guys did well raising me don't you think?" I smile at them.

"Of course." they said in sync then let out a small laugh and a smile afterwards

"She wasn't bad at first, but I later discovered that she was a psycho. Nat doesn't like her much but there seems to be something going on between her and Nathan. I think that's all." I say smiling at them, then I put a piece of chicken in my mouth. They're laughing as If I cracked a joke.

"Honey, she can't be that bad if Nathan likes her." my mum adds.

"He doesn't like her!" I protest  before realising what I actually said.

"Don't talk with food in your mouth!" My dad cautions.

"But you just said there was something going on between them." My mum says smiling at me sheepishly.

It's not what it looks like mum.

"Forget I said anything." I sigh in defeat.

"So how's business?" I ask, trying to change the topic, they know what I'm trying to do but give in anyway. They talked about how they almost lost a contract to another company, but how that triumphantly defeated them and they look really excited. I'm happy for them

"That's good news." I say, we finish up our meal and tidy up everything.

I'm sitting in the sitting room now, doing nothing exactly, my parents are probably out in the garden or something I'm not really sure, I just can't see them.

My mind wanders back to the events of the past week. I wonder if we could actually make Penelope part of us, she seems to be getting along well with the guys and with Ray, and I'm fine with her too, it's just Nat. But I'm sure I've definitely heard her name somewhere before, was it in a movie I watched?

Sometimes I can't help but think about how my life would have been if I wasn't put up for adoption, would we be a happy family? would they treat me better or worse? do I have a sibling? things like that, but the deed was already done.


I jerk up in shock.

"Dad!" he falls to the couch holding his stomach, laughing "I've told you so many times to stop doing that, I might have a heart attack one day." I say trying to get into my earlier position.

"Stop being so dramatic honey, that could never happen."

"Well, it would, if you keep scaring me like that." I grumble

"Was she zoned out again?" My mum asks as she comes out of the kitchen.

"Yes she was." My dad replied, ignoring my pleading eyes and laughs.

"You're sure everything's okay honey?" she asks, as she sits next to me

"Yes mum, I'm fine. I was just wondering how great my life would have been if you guys didn't make up your minds to stop me from home schooling." I lie.

"You're still not over that?" she asks laughing,

"It was a year and three months ago, I remember it so well like it was just yesterday." I say with a straight face.

"That was so long ago," My dad adds, "Besides, you were the one who wanted to go with Natalie to school that day." He continues,

Yeah, that was a terrible Idea.

"So you see, it's not totally our fault, we thought you had a nice day." my mum says.

"You guys knew how miserable I was later that day." I say

"No we didn't'." My mum says trying to put on an innocent face.

I was going to argue, but my attention shifted to the movie for the night.

"We've already watched this movie!" I protest,

"We're watching it again." my dad replies

So you guys got to meet Ashs' family, what do you guys think?
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