Author note

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Dear readers,

I'll keep this nice and short because I know a lot of people hate the boring author notes at the end of a story.

Basically all I want to say is wow. I went from having just one view (which was mine) to thirty thousand. Thousand. Throughout the course of my ill written chapters, your comments and support were always surreal. I never once received a bad or mean comment, never. Thank you for that. Thank you for taking the time out of your day, your life, to read my story.

I hope you enjoyed Unexpected as much as I did, I honestly had a lot of fun writing it. So much deference for each and every one of you and never forget that I love you for even taking one second to look at my story. I hope it wasn't your commom fan fiction because I genuinely tried to write it as a real life story which contained two famous individuals. I hope it wasn't a fan fiction although some parts of it were very cliche.

One last time, tell a friend about Unexpected if you liked it, vote, comment, follow, etc if you want. Thank you for everything , I hope I at least put a smile on your face once throughout the course of my numerous chapters.

An official announcement for a sequel has not yet been announced because I'm hesitant as to who actually wants one. Although, if you do want one then go ahead and leave a message down below on the comment section and I'll make sure to get right back to you. Thank you once again and the official song for Unexpected is Leave Out All the Rest by Linkin Park

If you understand why I chose this song then I love you very much.
Sincerely: macariok

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