chapter 6

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Before you read this, I should warm you that some bad words are going to be said

Kim's point of view

- are you ready - Harry asked me

- nope - I said

- don't worry. I'll be with you the whole time - Harry said while rubbing circles in my palm - come here - he said as he leaned over to my side so he could give me a kiss on the cheek

- thank you - I said while undoing my seatbelt so I could get closer to Harry - I think I'm ready -

As Harry and I walked hand in hand though the parking lot we received a lot of stares and murmurs. It only got worse as we passed the main school yard and entered the school.

I saw Dane sitting on a bench eating an apple as we passed by my locker

- it's official - Harry said loud enough for Dane to hear intentionally as we walked past him.

Reese's Point of View

- guys. Our Kimmy is taken - I said making a big deal out of it

- what? - they all said simultaneously

- Kim. Is. Dating. Harry. Styles -

- we know - said Chloe and Dane

-I saw them this morning - Dane said

- whoa. What's going on - Andrew said  -I thought they were just rumors -

- no, they're real - I said - isn't that great -

- I guess - Andrew said - how did that happen though? -

- I guess they really hit it off - Chloe said

- shhh guys, here they come - I said

End of Reese's Point of View

back to Kim's Point of View

- hey guys - I said while letting go of Harry's hand

They all looked at me weirdly as I stood there but then I remembered it was because of Harry

- this is Harry - I said - we're going out -

- I'm the boyfriend - Harry said while putting his arm around my waist

Both Reese and Chloe started laughing.

- he's quite funny - Chloe said

- that's one of his many great qualities - I said happily

- isn't she the best - Harry said

- one of the best out there - Andrew said - I haven't seen you around. Are you new here ? - he asked

- um yeah. I just moved here from England last week - Harry said while smiling

- isn't his smile great? - I said while looking at Harry

- oh stop it Kim - Harry told me as he gave me a kiss on the forehead.

- aw... You two are so cute - Reese said

- if you guys like pizza as much as I do, we're going to get along great - Harry said to my friends

- I already love him - Chloe said while getting up to hug him

After Harry gave Chloe a hug, he walked over to Reese and caught her by surprise when he gave her a hug as well

- welcome to our group - said Andrew

I was really happy that my friends approved of Harry. They both mean so much to me and I wouldn't be able to bare it if they didn't like each other.

- hi I'm Dane - Dane said to Harry unexpectedly

- nice to meet you mate - Harry said while shaking his hand

I hadn't even noticed that Dane was here since he was so quiet.  While looking at Dane's face, I started to feel sick so I quickly excused myself and ran to the nearest bathroom

End of Kim's Point of View

Harry's Point of View

- did I do something wrong - I said

- I don't know - Reese told me

- that was weird of her - Chloe said

- I should go see if she's okay. It was a pleasure meeting you guys - I said before running off in the direction Kim went

End of Harry's Point of View

Dane's Point of View

As everyone talked about Kim and Harry I couldn't help but feel dizzy.

I didn't know what was going on.

- what's going on - I said to myself

Before I knew it, I was running away from Reese, Andrew, and Chloe looking frantically for a door that led outside where all the fresh air was.

5 months later

Spring break was in two days and I couldn't care less.

I heard the door to my bedroom open revealing a peppy looking Reese.

- hey babe - she said while sitting on my lap

- get off - I said - what are you doing here -

- well someones in a bad mood - she said - anyways, I'm here to remind you that tonight is the night you get to meet my parents!!!!! -

- since we're talking about that. I have something I want to say -

- go ahead babe -

- don't call me babe - I said - and don't you think it's a little to early for me to meet your parents -

- what are you saying - Reese said in a confused voice

- I think we're going to fast. I mean, were not even official -

- I see what's going on - she said - your not over Kim. GOD!!!!!! she doesn't fucken like you. GET OVER IT. She will never be yours -

Things escalated pretty quick with Reese

- this has nothing to do with her - I lied

- your a pathetic asshole - she told me - she's with Harry. Can it get any clearer than that. She has moved on  -

- I have also moved on - I said - just not with you -

- but your my boyfriend -

- no I'm not. I told you from the beginning I needed a distraction not a relationship - I confessed

She slapped me multiple times before grabbing my phone and throwing it to the floor. As she made her way downstairs, she ripped paintings of the wall and threw them in all direction. She also knocked down several vases along the way.

- by the way -  she said - Kim came up to me a few months ago and asked me if you liked her. I told despised her and that you liked me. I wrecked the one chance you ever had of getting her. Good luck trying to get another chance you disgusting freak - she screamed before slamming the door.

Half of my face was covered in scratches while the other the other was red with hand prints on it. That pain was nothing compared to the breaking of my heart. I could feel my heart splitting in half slowly and painfully.

Part of me died that day.

End of Dane Point of View

Reese can be pretty mean. Okay... I thought I would create some drama to spice things up. Does Dane love Kim enough to fight for her? Most importantly, has Kim really moved on or is she just using Harry as a distraction like Dane used Reese. I hope you guys like this chapter and the new cover for the story. Thank you so much for all the reads. I'm ecstatic with happiness.

Omg so many view changes.

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