chapter 10

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It had been a long exhausting day today. I was ready to go home and fall asleep but I knew I couldn't because I had a lot of homework to do.

As I was minding my own business waiting for the elevator to arrive someone knocked into me hitting my leg really hard. Before I knew it, I was on the ground bewildered by what had just happened.

I was about to get up but when I moved my left leg, it felt as if a million daggers were piercing my heart.

- Are you okay!!!!!!!!!! - a familiar voice asked me

I couldn't see who it was because my vision was really blurry from the pain in my leg which felt worse with every passing second.

- mmmmmmmmhh... - I started to say but before I could finish my sentence, I lost complete focus and felt myself being sucked in a pitch black darkness that began surrounding the room.

Dane's Point Of View

- YOU HAD NO RIGHT TO GO THROUGH MY THINGS - I yelled with all my might

- I'M YOUR FATHER. I CAN DO WHATEVER THE HELL I WANT - my father roared back

- I can't take this anymore - I said while feeling defeated - I don't have any privacy. In fact, I don't even feel at home when I'm with you -

- THEN LEAVE! - he said - what are you waiting for -

I could feel my emotions beginning to show even though I was desperately trying to keep them intact.

- Are you going to cry now. Go cry to your mommy, oh wait I'm sorry I forgot she's dead because you killed her - my father said without a hint of remorse

I was taken back by what he had just said. I know my mother had died giving birth to me but the thought that my own father blamed me for her death had never crossed my mind.

Feeling empty and worn out, I didn't bother on saying anything back and just walked out of his office.

My vision was clouded by my tears which made it hard to see where I was going. I suddenly got this urge to run so I did. I ran, not caring for the people or things I knocked down on the way.

For a moment all I could see was black until I knocked into something hard and fell over along with the object.

End of Dane's Point Of View

Hi! I hope you like this. I felt like I've been depriving you guys of some Kim & Dane action so from here on out things will get really spicy and dramatic. It's going to be a rollercoaster of emotions so watch out. Most importantly, I finally found a face for Kim so if someone could tell me how to post picture on the side bar I would really appreciate it. Don't forget to like, follow, comment and add this to your library. Thanks for all the love so far

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