chapter 2

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As I made my way to my locker which was at the other side of the school, I couldn't help but look at my sorroundings and notice how morbid they looked. I finally found my locker which was fairly big but unfortunately was hidden in a corner with dim lights. Slightly disappointed with the turn out this year, I was snapped out of my thoughts when the bell rang. Making my way to marine bio was not as bad as I thought it would be. Since I was one of the first students to come in early, I got the privilege of choosing my seat so I decided to sit in the last row in a desk that was hidden in the corner. There was another desk next to me but I didn't think anyone really wanted to be in a corner almost invisible to the class. I put on my earphones and decided to take a quick nap since practically no one was here yet. I was comfortably asleep until I felt a tap on my shoulder. I was about to curse at that person but to my amazement it was my teacher Mr. Kritsly who had woken me up.

- I'm sorry to have awaken you from your precious slumber but it's not fair that the rest of the class has to suffer through my boring lectures while you get to sleep - he said in a sarcastic voice

- I'm sorry, it won't happen again - I said while putting my phone away

The whole class laughed at my embarrassment as I composed myself and took out my book.  I quietly apologized while looking down and never making eye contact.

- to make sure that this incident never repeats itself again I'm giving you a lunch detention - he said in a serious voice while writing something down on the board.

- now, where was I -

A small cough came from the corner of Mr. Kritsly's desk. I looked over to see who it was and there was Dane DeHaan standing proudly with his phone in his hand.

- oh great. I guess he saw me embarrass myself too - I murmured to myself

- Mr. Dehaan you can sit next to Miss Knight - he said in a monotone voice while browsing through papers.

He nodded and slowly made his way to his assigned desk. As he sat down and made himself comfortable in his seat he turned his head slightly in my direction and said - yes, yes I did -  loud enough for only me to hear

I was shocked and a bit creeped out that he had heard what I said earlier. I shifted uncomfortably in my chair and decided to act like I had not heard him.  From the corner of my eye I could see he was smirking.

1, 2, 3 , break, 4,and 5th period all went by faster than I would have liked. It was now time for lunch and I no longer had lunch detention because Mr. Kritsly let me off with a warning. On my way to my locker I saw two people in the corner making out. I didnt think much of it until i saw who it was. It was Dane and some girl. For the second time today me and him made eye contact but instead of saying anything to me or his fling, he stormed off leaving the girl alone. I was angry that he had just stormed of like that without saying a word. I didn't know why I was angry though and it bothered me mercilessly. After lunch and 6th period ended, I waited for Reese in my car knowing that she would need a ride home since she didn't bring her car today. After a couple minutes of waiting for Reese to show up I texted her to see what was taking her so long. 5 minutes passed before she responded saying that she had gotten a ride home with Andrew since they had 6th period together. Already annoyed, I was now pissed. It didn't help that everyone else was gone and I was the only person in the parking lot. I took a deep breath as an attempt to calm myself down. I opened my window to let the fresh air in and turned on the radio. After choosing a station that had good music, I started to look for my keys in my book bag. Finally finding them, I started my car and was about to drive off when someone knocked on my window. It was Dane.

- hey - I said awkwardly - do you need something - I said in my normal voice this time.

- umm, yeah. Can you do me a favor and I'll pay you if you do - he said while scratching the back of his head

- it's not a favor if you pay for it - I said

- so is that a yes...? - he said

- what do you need - I said tiredly

- can I have a ride home -

- sure. Get in and do you mind me asking why - I said while opening the door to let him in. - don't you have your driver to take you home -

- I think he left? - he said not really knowing the answer

- oh - I said because that was all I could think of - are you hungry - I asked him

- now that I think about it, kind of - he said while doing something on his phone

- want to go get something. I mean, only if you want to - I said while looking at the road ahead of me.

- yeah sure. Want to go to Diana's Greek cafe? - he said - or anywhere you'd like -

- no, I love that place - I said while closing my window since it was getting a little cold

- so... Your name in Kim Knight right? -

- That's my name. Your name is Dane DeHaan right? -

He laughed a little while saying "yes".

After getting something to eat and making small talk about our personal lives, I dropped him off at his house "mansion" and went home.

For the rest of the day I tried to block Dane out of my thought but failed miserably. I decided to call it a day even though it was barely 7:30 in the afternoon. Before I knew it, I was deeply asleep

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