Chapter 66

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Kim's Point Of View

Midnight was right around the corner and 71 hours without sleep or consent were about to become 72. Doctors, nurses, friends, and even passing strangers comforted me but the only comfort I wanted was from one particular person and unfortunately that person was out of reach. I didn't know how much I could take because I was merely human and the pain being inflicted on me was beyong scrutinizing. People came in and out of the waiting room with tears of joy falling from their glimmering eyes while I just sat like a potato in my chair hoping for any news but there never seemed to be any. Jared had gone home to rest for a while and desperately tried to make me come with him but I inevitably refused. Light sighs left my lips every once in a while as I reread the worn out magazines neatly piled in a stack on a glass coffee table.

"shoot me" I whispered to myself even though I was the only one in the lonely four wall room.

- miss Knight, doctor Charles Smith would like to have a word with you regarding a patient named Dane DeHaan - a nurse said as she walked in to the waiting area.

- it's Mr. DeHaan to you - I snapped back. She was a bit taken back by my burst of attitude but still nicely showed me where to go and even tried to make small talk. Being both physically and mentally tired I didn't bother try to make small talk with the young women who was wearing way too much make-up. She stopped walking once we reached a room numbered 390 where she said her goodbyes and left me slightly scared of what news lay behind that door. Scared and confused I involuntarily knocked and was immediately told by a strong but soft voice to come in.

My first instinct when I set foot in Dr. Smith's office was to run away but I couldn't run away due to Dane's sake.

- Miss Knight, I'm Dr. Charles Smith but you can call me Charlie if you'd like. Please, have a seat - he stood up from his desk and pulled out a chair for me.

- thank you very much but why did you call me in here -

- straight to the point. Basically Kim, do you mind if I call you Kim? - he asked.

- not at all. Please continue - I said.

- alright well, your boyfriend Mr. DeHaan... -

- he's my fiancee - I interrupted him. He nodded and proceded looking down at his papers in a folder labeled "Patient Dane DeHaan, room 209 ICU".

- he's out of surgery and is expected to make a full recovery but there's one problem -

- tell me about it - I instructed.

- he's not in a coma but he's also not awake. We're unsure as to why he hasn't woken up from his anesthesia and it could result to a serious problem - he said with a hint of sympathy and embarrassment in his voice.

- what kind of problems -

- I'm not going to sugar coat it Kim. If he didn't die from his overdose then it's probable that he'll die from his weak state. He's currently in the ICU wing in room 209 on life support. You're free to see if you'd like to but don't bring flowers, balloons, etc. Some people are allergic to rubber and plastic - he said in a friendly tone but I knew he was just trying to make me feel better about the situation.

- thank you... Would you mind taking me to him? I don't know where the ICU is -

- come along - he stood up from his chair and led to my destination which was located in a private secluded corner of the second floor.

Dr. Smith turned around and left me face to face with the number 209. I stood motionless for a while trying to decide what to do. The intensive care unit was a glass compound area that shone with blinding ferocity and smelled of fermented alcohol with cleaning chemicals. Basically, everything about it screamed death. Hospitals were a touchy subject for me and it didn't help that I was the only one in this inferno right now.

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