chapter 5

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Inside of Kim's bedroom

I woke up to the sound of someone playing the guitar outside of my window. I looked at my clock and saw that it was 4:30 in the morning.

- who in their right mind is out there at this time - I grumbled to myself

I opened my window and got goose bumps due to the cold winds of winter beginning to form

~ I didn't know I could feel this way

I never thought your touch could be so mesmerizing

I thought I knew what life could offer before I met you

Now I walk these lonely streets

Down a boulevard of broken dreams

Knowing that my true love

Loves one but it's not me

My heart is in my hand

Waiting to be loved once more

Since I met you, I feel like I can dream again

You tell me things I couldn't see and since I met you I feel like my life has begun ~

I stood there quietly still trying to let it all sink in. I no longer cared that the coldness from outside was getting into my room.

- I like you Kim Knight - Harry said - I've liked you since the second we met -

- I can't help but smile every time I'm with you. You bring the best out of me, your all that matters to me. You make me complete. I couldn't keep my feelings secret any longer - Harry said honestly

- I like you too. I guess I never thought much about my feelings for you because I didn't want to get hurt -

- I would never hurt you. I want, no I need you in my life -

I backed away from my window pane and thought about everything he had just said before heading downstairs to let him in.

- Harry - I said while motioning for him to come inside

Once he had set his guitar in the coat closet, I led him to my room.

- your freezing Harry - I said - here put this on -

I gave him my pink fluffy robe since it was the only warm thing I could find.

Harry didn't hesitate in putting it on.

- oops - Harry said as I heard fabric tearing

I was slightly disappointed because that was my favorite robe but then again that meant I could go shopping for a new one.

I was so wrapped up in my thoughts that I didn't notice Harry was right next to me. 

He wrapped his hands around my waist and rested his chin on my shoulder before spinning me around so that we were both facing each other now.

Even though we were surrounded by darkness, I noticed how green Harry's eyes were. I never noticed that in the sunlight and felt a little ashamed for the lack of attention.

Harry's perfect plump and pink lips had never seemed so tempting.

I felt a surge of electricity go though me as Harry pressed his lips lightly against mine. He caressed my cheek as he began to deepen the kiss.

The intensity kept building up with every passing second until I pulled away.

- come on - I said to Harry - let's go to sleep. It's late -

Harry wrapped his arms around my waist and in no time we were both asleep in each others arms.

It's short but sweet. I felt like I should let Kim be happy before the BIG moment of realization came. I hope you guys liked this and thank you the the 300 reads. I love you all so much. Don't forget to add this to your library and please comment on things you like and dislike. Thank you so much for reading this again.

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