chapter 19

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Dane's Point of View

No need to pray, no need to speak. All around me is just the ocean. The pressure is hard to take, but it's the only choice I have. The salty breeze does not bother me one bit because it makes me feel normal. In the arms of the ocean nothing bad can ever happen to me. I'm not giving up, not yet, not know when I'm so close to breaking free. There's a dream I've been chasing. I want it so bad to be reality. I'm not feeling any pain or fear. For once, I can say and do whatever I want without anyone belittling me.

When I stare at the ocean trying to find the bottom I realize that there isn't one just like me.

There is no escape or finish to either one of our stories. While the ocean keep on getting deeper with every step I take, I see my life doing the same.

Unfortunately my dream comes to and end and I am forced to live in the real world once again.

I'm living in a broken home alone with chains around my legs and arms. To keep from getting lonely, I get out of my head. Why would I want to love someday when love hurts in the end.

The sad truth is that I'm already in love. My love is named Kim.

Hope you like and well yeah. I understand I have been writing awful chapters lately. The truth is I don't have a muse anymore. But don't worry though because I think I've found a new inspiration. You guys are my inspiration.

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