Chapter 61

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Kim's Point Of View

- do you approve - I said as I turned in all directions in front of the mirror to try and get a better view of my backside.

- I deeply approve, you look great as always - Dane was a bit quick to say but I accepted his compliment with ease and applied a light shade of a nude colored lipstick on my lips to complete my look. I let out a small sigh and turned around to be starstruck with his outstanding appearance.

- you look very handsome, too bad you're  mine and all of those other girls will have to do with just a hug - I said in an airy tone with glimmering eyes.

- too bad you can't be by my side today, we would have been the best dressed couple as well as the cutest. Oh before I forget, tomorrow we have an appointment with a wedding planner at five in the afternoon. Her name is Nore Redmayne and she's taken part in many extravagant celebrity weddings so we should be in good hands - he said in a nonchalant tone and I just nodded my head. I opened the door for him and closed it with a quiet effortless push of my hand .

- have fun but not too much - I said as I hugged him before entering my car and turning on the engine. Dane waved goodbye as he drove by me and was soon speeding off toward his cast party. I had no idea where I was going tonight but I wasn't spending my friday night at home alone. The trees flew by rapidly as I sped down the big hill where our hotel was located. Little raindrops dropped on my windshield but it wasn't anything compared to the weather from yesterday.

Thirty five boring music filled minutes later I arrived in the big city of Los Angeles. Little clouds of fog engulfed the big buildings but made the street lights look hazy and angelic. The blobs of smudged color made my drive through the crowded streets look beautiful but a bit hard hard to see. Nevertheless my mission to find a parking spot was enjoyable and fun due to the fact that I hadn't been in L.A. since I was eighteen. My eyes widened in excitement when I found an available parking spot so I didn't hesitate in quickly stationing my car there and going out to put money on the meter. I quickly walked back to my car to grab my small black purse and texted Dane while I was at it.

" hope you have fun, love you " I texted him  before locking my phone. My semi long legs then began walking down the cold wet streets in search of anything interesting. I passed multiple clothing stores, department stores, at least two malls and many restaurants before deciding on entering a dark but modern looking coffee shop.

The light padding of my feet on the red velvety carpet and occasional glass clanking were the only sounds I heard as I walked toward the intoxicating smell of coffee beans. I was about halfway through the dark corridor when I saw a light orange/red light leak through a small crack from a slightly opened door caught my attention. My feet curiously moved toward the light and with a gentle push of my hands, I opened the door and revealed a fancy looking lounge/ bar. The furniture was all black as well as the countertop and the lights were a dreamy looking red mixed in with sunset orange. I took a seat on one of the stools by the bar and took out my phone to distract myself.

Seconds later a young man with dark brown curly hair and emerald green eyes who was wearing a loose black shirt that revealed his evenly toned tanned chest with tattoos walked into the room. He looked at me with surprise but quickly gave me a nice smile and walked over to me.

- hey there Kim - he extended his arm out and I gladly shook it.

- how do you... wait. Harry! - I said while still shaking his hand.

- glad to see you still remember me - he said in his usual charismatic voice.

His eyes amused me deeply but the dark eye bags under them made me feel pity toward him. - tired? - I asked.

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