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Takemichi had meet her mates when she was in middle school after the stupid fight club kiyomasa had made was ended, by the leader of toman and his right hand man. Right away takhmihci sense there was something special between her and the two boys, she soon started helping toman and that when you came across three more guys. After a few minutes of hanging out with the captains and co captains of toman she soon found out they were her mates. Her relationship with them was amazing and she thought she was going to spend the rest of her life with them until she had become pregnant in high school. She still remember the day she told them about her pregnancy, and she wanted their support in dealing with the matter.

Takemichi " you guys haven't said anything for almost three hours"

Draken " are you sure you are pregnant"

Takemichi " yes I had taken a test and then my mother took me to the doctor to confirm it"

Baji " damit"

Mitusya " ......"

Chifuyu " what are we going to do"

Mikey " it over"

Takemichi " what"

Mikey " you heard me it over we are to young to be fathers and you are an omega, you can deal with this matter"

Talkemihci " you guys are my mates you all promised to be there for me no matter what, I'm scared of doing this alone"

Baji " it your fault anyways if you were more careful then this would not happening"

Mikey " we are leaving and takemihci don't ever come near guys again, all of toman would know of this and know to stay away from you" the guy soon walked away leaving takemichi alone, she didn't know what to do because omega dint have that much rights in society. A few weeks later her whole school knew and her childhood friends stayed away from her, takemihc was soon getting bullied by alpha and betas. She only had support from omega that school who knew how much omega society was cruel.

Hina " so you are leaving the city"

Takhmihci " yeah im going to leaving with my omega grandmother, my mother talked to her about it and they both think it the best for me to be somewhere safe"

Hina " well then I will come see you because im not leaving you alone .... I will keep you updated on what going on here"

Takemichi " thanks Hina" A few days later takemichi had left her family home and head off to the country side, to live with her grandmother and raise her unborn baby or babies. She knew it was going to be hard but she had her family and friends by her side to help her.

One years later

Takehmihci mother " I cant believe they are this quit for being alpha"

Takemichi " yeah"

Takemichi father " it good they don't look to much like their fathers"

Takehmihci mother " dear"

Takemichi " sweetie I'm sorry I didn't mean to ruin this family moment"

Takemichi " it okay dad I have moved on from them because now I have my sons to love and care for" takemichi and her parents watched the five toddlers. She was doing her best and raising her sons well but she had a feeling they were going to be like their fathers no matter what she dose. It would be many years until the boys were in middle school when she will move back home and all of her past will come back into her life.

Mikey - Hartuo

Darken - Daisuke

Baji - Ayumu

Mituysa - masaru

Chifuyu - Naoki

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