Chapter 7

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Takemichi had been noticing her sons were getting some trouble around Tokyo, and yes she had many questions but didn't know how to ask them. She had been working another shift at the bakery and she thought it was going to be a normal day until, the door opens ringing the bell above getting her attention.

Takemcihi " oh great im getting haunted by my past what are you all doing here"

Draken " hey takemichi"

Takemichi " get out now"

Baji " hey we are paying customers"

Takemichi " I don't see you buying anything"

Mituysa " fine we will buy some of the cakes here if you talk with us"

Takemichi " there nothing to talk about why are you all coming back into my life, I was that peace until now"

Chifuyu " we are sorry how many times do we have to say that"

Takemichi " until you all die"

Mikey " hey we are still the alpha here and you will show us some respect" mikey was holding onto takemcihi arm, but he had tight gip on her.

Takemichi " let me go Mikey you are hurting me"

Mikey " im sorry I didn't mean to hurt you"

Takemichi " you all have hurt me enough now please leave me alone and stay the hell away from my kids"

Mituysa " we are not giving up take-chan we want to havea life with you and the Kids we want"

Takemichi " just shut up im done with all your guys promises because, they never come true and it all lies"

???? " hey mom we are home where you are"

Takemichi " in the bakery sweetie" soon Daisuke and Masuma came walking into the bakery but they soon made eye with their mother and the customers.

Masuma " mom is everything okay"

Takemichi " oh yes sweetie everything is fine these man were just checking out some of the cakes here"

Daisuke " are they harassing you we can show them the way out"

Draken "no we are not we just came to get an cake that all"

Daisuke " well old man buy something or leave you are wasting my mother time and business hours"

Mikey " we will be back later sorry" soon the guys had left the store but Daisuke followed them out until his mother stopped him, and she soon looked that him.

Takemichi " don't go after them they are waste of our time"

Daisuke " they are much of old man that did to learn their place"

Takemichi " Daisuke let it go they are not worth it"

Daisuke " yes mother and what type of idiot get a tattoo of dragon on his head that so lame"

Masuma " they all looked lame"

Takemichi " okay we cant talk about them later now come on your boys can help me close shop"

The boys " yes ma'am" the boys were helping their mother close up shop, but she was still feeling uneasy about the whole thing her exes finally meet two of her children and right now she wanted to move back to the country side. She couldn't she was not going to allow her exes to control her life anymore.

With the guys

Baji " well draken we can tell which boys is your son"

Draken " shut up baji I least I know what my child look like, we have even see your yet"

Baji " you little ....."

Mituysa " shut up both of you it seems like those boys mean business"

Mikey " now it going to be more harder the we thought"

Baji " we can win them over right we are their fathers"

Chifuyu " a mother love is stronger then anything else " the guys just looked at each other and didn't say anything.

Somewhere else in Tokyo

??? " shut up old man you and your buddies can't tell us what to do"

????? " you will respect me boy"

???? " I can't respect a man who can't even kill, his own old childhood friends" a man and his son were having a yelling match back and forth. Either one was going to back down soon the younger boy walked off, followed by hid some gang members who are ready to go to war.

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