Chapter 19

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Everyone was getting use to the new living agreements and the boys were trying to deal with seeing their father more then usual, the boys were not speaking to father expect nakio who was giving chifuyu and the others a chance for once in their life.

Takemichi " well our first breakfast as a whole family"

Mitusya " thank for the food Takemichi you are an amazing cook I always love your food"

Masura " wow can you be a kiss up even more"

Takemichi " Masura"

Masura " sorry mom"

Mitusya " it okay the boys just state his feelings it normal for a growing alpha boy"

Masura " don't compare me to you old man"

Takemichi " boy finish your breakfast you all we will be late for school"

Hartuo " yes mother"

Nakio " hey mom I will having my friends from my club stopping by today we have to talk about the funds"

Takemichi " sure if ir okay with your fathers"

Chifuyu " I won't ...." Takemichi soon kicked chifuyu keg under the table making him change up his words.

Chifuyu " I won't dare leave you with the chance to see your friends"

Nakio " thanks" soon the boys left and the guys were still there, looking at Takemichi wondering what was happening.

Chifuyu " why are you allowing him to be around some alpha boys like to nothing"

Takemichi " I can trust my son everything will be okay you don't have to worry and they will be the living room, if they makes you happy"

Mikey " fine but if something happens call us we are leaving for a meeting we will be home later on tonight maybe late"

Takemichi " sure see you guys later" the guys soon left the house and they were hoping with Takemichi and the kids being home with them,it will bring the kids closer to them but nothing was working it was making everything hard.

Takemichi " oh what I'm going to do"

Later on that day

Nakio " mom I'm home"

Takemichi " hey sweetie how was school...."

Nakio " it was good can't talk now I have to change my clothes I can't let them see I'm like this"

Takemichi " you look good"

Nakio " I know but I feel more comfortable in my casual clothes talking with them"

Takemichi " okay"nakio soon ran up to his room and soon changed his clothes Takemichi was trying not to laugh at her son reaction. Soon the door rang and Takemichi had answer it to see the four boys from last time there, she was looking  at them.

??? " hello ma'am it good to see you again my name is hiroki and this my brother hiroaki"

Hiroaki " hello ma'am and these are our cousin who are also brothers as well kiyoshi and Koji"

Takemichi " hello please come inside nakio will be in the living room shortly, there are some snacks and drinks waiting for you boys"

Kiyoshi " thank you ma'am"

Koji " we are sorry for what happened to your family bakery"

Takemichi " thank you boys all of you are very respectful"

Koji " thank you miss our fathers have raised us right and to respect others" the four boys soon walked into the house and that when nakio came downstairs, the kids were looking at each other soon Takemichi walked into the kitchen. She didn't want to ruin this date even when her som said it was not a date, she could tell it was a date but she not going to question it anymore.

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